As a Community, we do not want RDF

How dare we want to do other content while searching for a dungeon? I, too enjoy sitting in the main city hubs looking for a group to ensure I have reach on my chats to finally have wasted plenty of time only to be met with someone who doesn’t want to do the dungeon or to take forever to get to the dungeon. Again. Stop being a purist shill retard and go back under the rock you came out of.


lmao. Imagine using this as an excuse to say no to QOL. “Let me dictate what people do with their gametime.” Go touch grass.


So whose fault is that? Take ownership for your own social situation, I made plenty of friends in Classic without RDF and you can too.

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If you want to be taken seriously by the community, post on a main. Not some troll alt.


The same devs who made Shadowlands and retconned Warcraft 3 and Wraths original lore. Oh yeah. They are definitely trustworthy to make good game decisions. You sound so dumb.


the lfg finder actually works pretty well I was using it all yesterday leveling up. You probably didn’t even try it.

What’s dumb is that you’re not ok with reality, like RDF is gone for good bud. Majority of people spoke, you and your vocal minority need to back off and find a new hobby instead of annoying the forums.

Shadowlands, the fastest selling PC game of all time?

What lore did they retcon?

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You and your minority of toxic gatekeepers have ruined the best expansion WoW has ever had. You and the smooth brained devs who don’t want RDF can enjoy your inferior cesspool of an expansion.

I am not for nor against LFD tool. I say that because I enjoy griefing the opposite faction outside the meeting stone too much.

But on the other hand, I usually level to max level from strictly LFD instances and never do any dungeon again after im top level.

Why do Cross-Realm BGs get to stay, but Cross-Realm RDF doesn’t get to stay?

Why the heck is the hypocrisy so blatant?

Blizzard in their reveal trailer stated RDF wouldn’t be included because it “eroded the sense of community”. But me battling folks from Benediction on my Skyfury character in AV doesn’t “erode the sense of community”?


At least be consistent…


You are arguing with addicts that really really want to move on to the needle. They want to consume content as quickly as possible, or their lives no longer put them in a position to be able to play an MMO RPG so they want the game to cater to their lives and cram as much dopamine as they can into as little time as they can.


If you hate it so much then quit and go cosplay as a Furry on Retail, clearly you love Retail more than Classic.

Wrath lost a lot of subscribers because of RDF. Proof is out there.

“The Jailer was responsible for the whole thing” - Warcraft Devs, Probably


Because the toxic gatekeepers don’t care about PvP. They aren’t selling GDKP or Boosts in PVP. They have a monetary reason for wanting RDF to stay away. Its so you have a harder time getting into the content and thus are more likely to RMT and give them gold for carries.


I know the pro-RDF thugs and brutes are out here strong harassing us, we are the silent majority. Never give in to these people.

No RDF, not now, not ever.

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Because PVP and PVE are different, and the two systems you’re comparing are different?

It’s not hypocrisy, it’s nuance. Hypocrisy does not mean what you think it means.

It does to some extent. Who is denying that?

Exactly… Nice now to have the queue system for battlegrounds as well, I’m back in the world and killing animals and skinning them.

It feels nice to not be forced to stand in a giant pile of other players mindlessly clicking on an NPC waiting for a queue to pop while I watch Netflix. THE IMMERSION WOW.

PVP queue from anywhere has gotten me back out into the world doing things, imagine that.


I’m gona need a fact check on this, the only graph that I came across was Subs stable since RDF, up on Cata-prepatch follow by a drop at somepoint in Cata.

Yet to see any evidence on subs falling after RDF implementation


Nah. A lot do. A lot don’t.

They made the right call. The game is awesome without RDF. I’m glad they are ignoring the players who want RDF.