As a Community, we do not want RDF

Incorrect. Stop crying about RDF. It’s good for the game. Stop holding on to some fictional, incorrect notion of community is WoW Classic. No one cares; we just want loot.

Stop the b.s. about “ruining the game” and “one more step towards retail.” That’s a lie. Retail is crap because of content bloat, every class basically being the same with similar abilities able (a heal, a last stand, a kick, a gap-closer, a combat reset, etc.) and parasitic game mechanics. That’s why retail sucks, not because of QoL improvements.

Stop listening to people like Asmon who have no clue what they’re talking about.


I had a great time in TBC with no RDF, sounds like a YOU problem if you cant make friends or be social.

RDF is for Retail not for Classic.

Hes doing you a favor, this is an intervention. Addicts need to know the needle is bad for them. We are here to help, just because you dont realize its bad for you doesnt mean its not bad for you.


Oh look, someone’s forum vacation ended. Just put the troll OP on ignore and move on. Though I know people can’t resist getting baited…


What if I want the pvp game mechanics of wrath with the convenience and toxicity of retail?

“The real people.”
I’ll just call you a wow forum bot troll and we’ll pretend it’s the “truth”

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Servers are down and I’m just having fun

What’s so bad about adding quality of life? You know it’s optional, right?


Don’t think he ever said that and if he did he is delusional.


I have plenty of friends and a flourishing guild that will continue to run dungeons until they are blue in the face. That being said, not everyone is in the same position as me having a solid community of players to do the content from. Stop being a purist shill retard and open your eyes lol


if they made classic for people like you, then go play classic VANILA. That’s what its there for lol.


Then play dragon expansion sounds right up your alley.

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Go look up his tweet, he got a lot of people giving him support. He’s not delusional, he’s smart to listen to the silent majority who dont want RDF.

Classic is designed to relive the past NOT turn it into a copy of Retail, stop trying to ruin our game.

Well i dont want to play with furry races and obnoxious looking mounts.

I think ill stay here


then they need to remove BG queue from anywhere, Dual Spec, and Random BGs as they were not things added to Wrath at launch either.


All it does is enable lazy people to AFK all day long, we don’t need it in Classic.

Ok just dont turn it into a crack house like you did with the other game.

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Who am I kidding addicts cant help themselves.

When does driving have to do with this but ok.

Toxicity can happen regardless if its manually formed or Automated, I will keep saying this… its not exclusive to RDF and if you still gonna tell me that “Nah uh! it doesn’t exist in manually formed groups!” well I will break it to you, I had mage that used Arcane explosion right off the bat before the druid tank can establish threat and proceeds to to complain that the tank is “bad”.

If you dont want RDF because all you think that its a breeding ground for toxicity and it kills social interaction than Classic era is there for you, just go back to Classic era.

I didn’t say I made friends in classic… I made friends in Legion and BFA… which those expansions had RDF in them… a system that you claim that kills social interaction yet I have made friends in those expansions?

The recent failures of retail has nothing to do with RDF, your post just tells you didn’t play retail recently.


Surely if its to “re-live the past” then they should keep things that were in said expansion?

Otherwise you’re not living the past but a version of it that isn’t actually the past but is similar to it