As a Community, we do not want RDF

I’m so glad they didn’t put rdf into the game even though I am pro rdf… I would actually feel the need to play more if they did I would probably level more alts and maybe do the random daily…

Now that it’s not in the game I couldn’t be happier I log on on Tuesday do all the 25m in under 2 hours and then I log off till next Tuesday…

Blizzard has truly outdone themselves they have made the perfect raid log game…

I think I spend more time on the forums than playing the game

I haven’t done a dungeon since day four of release


Neither have I, except a couple guild heroics as favors. It’s refreshing actually for dungeons not be spammed 24/7 and treated more of an adventure, sounds more like our old school Classic design zeitgeist to me.

Not really I’m not doing any of those adventures again…

I won’t step foot into a dungeon.

I will see y’all on Tuesday when I log in.

At least you get forum time for your subscription

That’s cuz I’m a truck driver so I do it when I’m at work

Like I said blizzard out did themselves this is the best raid log expansion ever

Every new classic release is the best raid log expansion

I don’t know if RDS was in the game I might have been compelled to level alts…

Thank God it wasn’t.

I started the trail series

I know you might be a bit bitter but one day you will look back and see that RDF wasn’t worth the calories.

No I won’t.

RDF is far far superior to this LFG tool.

Don’t matter to me tho, I’m not leveling anymore toons.

I’m on raid log mode till heroic LK is dead.

You believed Bots wouldn’t buy the 58 boost, looks how that turned out. They tried to warn you too. Spend less time drinking or blinking and more time thinking.

Spend less time trolling on forums and learn how to play with your class, perhaps you will get better parses.

What does that have to do with the thread?

Maybe you should try finishing leveling so you can go gray parse.

Another gray parser hiding behind a sock puppet

Let me know when you ding your way to 80 or focus on the facts and evidence

It is here:

It doesn’t look good at all.

Thanks for linking my lvl 80 parses for the benefit of drink. My blizz portrait hasn’t updated in quite a while.

Dear class,

If you want an example of what a Stockholm Syndrome is, please look at this:

I don’t think you know what Stockholm Syndrome is. You must focus too much on parses to notice more important things like facts, evidence and reason, so it makes sense.

I was close…

68 average and you couldn’t even kill 3D until this week… Big yikes.

Over 2 hours for a Naxx clear…


I raid log and play better lmfao.

I’m doing better than the average death knight. I don’t think you know how basic percentiles work. Back to truck driving and raid logging for you.

That is the ultimate proof why RDF is better: it allows players to spend less time in the game and achieve same objective.

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