As a Community, we do not want RDF

Bad is still bad.

It brings me comfort knowing you aren’t good enough to do most of the hard modes coming next phase…

5 weeks to do 3D…


Shoulda leveled alts instead

That’s a good sum up of your arguments back then about boosts and now about RDF. Don’t get me wrong though, pulling up my parses is the best argument you’ve had so far.

First of all, it was me.

Second of all: it just show that you’re a mediocre player.
Mediocre players have the worst takes because they’re mediocre.

No one wants to be mediocre, therefore, you should actually listen to people that are better than you. It is an opportunity for you to grow up a bit.

Or remain mediocre forever.

If you are gonna parse shame do it on your main. Otherwise you are just a mediocre forum troll.

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Pulling up discussing. Enough semantics and tell me how learning a spec in a first time game is bad. Sounds like new and growing players aren’t welcome - for shame Beastman. And sitting behind a lvl 21 while you talk on who’s takes are bad based on parse. I wonder why you’ve neglected to show your own.

What’s funny is you guys are in the minority… Blizzard did all this for money.

Don’t worry though dungeon boosts are at an all-time high in fact it’s the best way to level.

If you’re gonna label yourself like that, all the power to you, sister.

If you settle for being a mediocre in a 15 years old game you’re settle for mediocre in real life.

You’re settling for being a Lvl 21, so if I’m mediocre in game, then what are you?

I’m a soul of iron immortal, not sure what you are. 5 weeks sarth 3d? is that a title?
I better call you mediocre then.

Bro it took you 5 weeks to down 3D…

That means it took 5 weeks to learn how to move out of a void zone lmfao…

You gonna do a 88 week No Light I bet!


You going to be in phase 2 of Cata classic finally going back to beat heroic LK…


You’ve checked my parses and logs yet you don’t know? Research seems like not your strong suit at all then. Also, Lvl 21s can’t even become immortal, so I highly doubt that.

Aw the good old rdf thread experience.

People screaming “i want it” throwing insults, and crap throwing all around.

No one in here but us puppets. Been interesting watching the little show. ‘Bout to spoil it, but waiting for the right moment.

I never ever said it was “good”. Don’t put words in my mouth. It’s definitely more convenient though.

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i actually really dont see like why we wouldn’t have rdf tbh bros

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It kills socialization, nobody talks in dungeon finders in all MMOs with them. Even FF14. if you play them you’d know

here comes the anti rdf alts to spew debunked talking points. there is NO reason we shouldnt have rdf except brian birminghams guild doesnt want it.


It’s funny because that’s also when I decided The Walking Dead became bad.