As a Community, we do not want RDF

How do you really know

“and a majority of people don’t”

Nobody asked me. Nobody asked anyone I know. I’ve asked.

Who is this majority of people?

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Typical cancel culture kids these days. They are not happy to just disagree with different opinions, they want them removed.

Maybe if they taught Greek mythology in schools today still these RDF kids would learn the tale of the Lotus Eaters. That’s what RDF would do to our community. It’s like drugs.

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Exactly. RDF is only good… on paper.


Yet… patch 3.3 hits for retail WoW. They introduce ice crown citadel. Ice crown dungeons. A random dungeon finder.

What we got is zero dungeon finder. Dual specs earlier than was supposed to happen. Amongst other things.

This is nothing like the original. You’re correct.

Just fly around ice crown if you mine or herb at all. You’ll see all the freaky things happening with their version of this game. Frozen planes in the air, etc. Weird stuff.

If you have a hard time not finding friends to queue for RDF with you, I feel for you. But you shouldn’t. It’s how we played then, and would play now. Whether 2 buds, 1 bud. Or fill a party and queue. I’d take saving 10 minutes or so of group forming and flying to the instance over the crap we have now.

Save the tool we have now for the raids. Don’t mix both in the “LFG”. It works great for raids since the spams are far less.

It’s astounding how easy this community is to troll.


Blizzard may have said they’d never implement RDF for Classic Wrath, but just remember how they also swore up and down they’d never implement level scaling in WoW either…and look what happened with that.

they can just as easily go back on what they say will and won’t happen in a heart beat. i honestly wouldn’t even complain if they implement RDF, because if it makes getting groups for dungeons much easier then i’m all for it personally. .-.

edit: course i should also point out i’ve been too busy hopping between alts, trying to decide what to play. the downside of being an altoholic sadly. ;-;

RDF bad say no to QoL keep Classic great and old school!?!

cancer isnt anything to joke about you absolute horrible excuse for a human being. you have no empathy or respect for anyone. you disrespectful little waste of air.

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I still dont understand how no RDF adds social aspect to this game lol. I still don’t care to talk to you people with the new system

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I wasn’t joking about it. Comprehension clearly isn’t your strong point. I used it as an example of something that is actually harmful. I understand that might be hard for you to follow.

You know absolutely nothing about me. You make simple minded assumptions and ad hominin attacks based off of pure ignorance and emotion. Mama must be proud of you.

Lol. The moment someone is actually disrespectful and accuses others of being so. I’m sure you can go to your safe place now.

This daysgoneby fella really views himself as an important person doesn’t he?

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If it’s any consolation my dad is currently getting owned by cancer and I can manage to not take offense.

He has one hell of a falsely aggrandized ego.

Homie likes to announce when he blocks people on here like they or anyone else cares what this idiot thinks lmfaoooo

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You same beefy and ducky people are still going

“We as a community” WANT RDF… the vocal majority has pushed for it. It’s the same 3-4 delusional weirdos who can’t make a single logical point for no RDF.

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I generally want RDF and would love to see it in the game.

Also I just Tanked Heroic Culling of Stratholme and tried talking to the group and nobody said a word. Maybe they were all in discord chatting with each other.

Literally Arthas the NPC talked to me more than the entire party combined.

Now there’s your social experience. Oh wait we took portal in Kirin Tor and then ran there on mounts. Forgot about that social experience…


seems like the guy hasn’t been online for 5 days straight. Must be a good news.

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I use the LFG Tool as a tank to get a group. I try to get the group talking but 99% of the time there is no response other than “What is this for?”. We smoke the dungeon in 20minutes and then hearth back to Dalaran…the social interaction is already dead.

except it does fix alot of the community problems for me. i get to shut LFG chat off completely until i want to use it, i get to que up without getting kicked loose by the tool itself for no reason. i get to grab a few guildies and knock out a dungeon or grab an alt alt and run lower level dungeons with very little toxicity and no gatekeeping involved.

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