As a Community, we do not want RDF

I was just about to say they will accuse of us as being alts when they see two intellectuals like us speaking, and here is the accusation:

That guy got ALL crazy emotional in some other thread. ALL CAPS, tons of accusatory things, all the usual personal attacks, etc. He insists everyone who doesn’t think like him is a single player flipping to alts. You can tell it really ruins his day when he doesn’t get his way.

He took the time to let me know he ignored me. Broke my heart.

…but, his emotional outburst was adorable.

He’s run empty on anything meaningful to say so now it’s just a robot repeating “troll, troll, troll, they don’t agree with me…”

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About 10 people have said that to me in this thread and kept responding to me, never believe these pro-RDF Trolls.

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My opinion of RDF has evolved over time. I am currently anti-RDF for current content, because it’s my belief and experience that it isn’t needed there. Especially with the heroic plus dungeons coming that will keep that content interesting throughout the patch cycle.

However, I do see a use case for RDF for non-current content. For example, 1-70. I understand that it is less useful right now, while players are still plowing through WotLK content. Though, there are players that really only enjoy leveling, making alts, and doing leveling dungeons and frankly those players are being underserved right now. I can see that they are having a hard time getting groups for low level content.

I wouldn’t mind in 2-3 years with Wrath SoM comes out they can introduce it then.

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Why do you feel like that? RDF would help so much lol

And you having zero argument and instead resorting to derailing accusations. Also nothing new and still isn’t convincing anyone that RDF should be brought back.


I don’t know why they keep accusing people of being other people, just admit they lost. It’s more honorable.

Then they will drop RDF in a year+

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Yeah guaranteed.

Only Sith deal in absolutes lol.

No, you don’t.


There will not be a Wrath SoM. and Wrath will end in ~1-2years.

You’re delusional if you think otherwise.

please do whats right and let people enjoy the game with a feature that would allow more people to access groups. Go unsub and make things better for yourself and others

I want RDF and it’s a good thing not wasting time flying to a dungeon to summon people.


Why shouldn’t there be RDF? Right now id love it because i cant get a group in my level bracket on my realm

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Nothing says attention-craving forum dwelling troll like 6.6k replies in three weeks and still responding.


How do you guys come up with such thought provoking discussions. Almost 7000 replies.


Looks like somebody got a vacation :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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