As a Community, we do not want RDF

Lmaoo same

Blizzard would NOT make changes unless the MAJORITY of players asked for it.

As a community, yes we do want RDF… sorry :troll:

The majority screamed no borrowed power, yet it was there.


Classic Devs care MORE about their players than Retail, they would ONLY listen to the MAJORITY who do NOT want RDF.

Well if they listened, RDF would be in… but it isn’t… that tell you they don’t listen.


They did listen, MAJORITY of people don’t want RDF.

They didn’t listen though… RDF isn’t in the game.


There’s no point arguing with Lemonfont. They don’t even play the game, all they do is sit on the forums switching between alts to troll people.


I’m not arguing with him lol

I know he’s a :troll: he was in general talking about how, “classic is harder than retail” lol


On our own?

It’s not showing me what you are responding to… on our own what?

suuuure they wouldnt. thats never happened

This is Classic, when have NOT listened to players?

I just don’t understand the idea of no RDF. It didn’t ruin social interactions. If you are really that worried about it, just make it slightly less efficient to level with than questing. People who are stuck on this no-rdf mindset can just got play classic season of mastery or w.e.


This dude must have 100’s of posts that regurgitate the same nonsense. Ayusara said “exactly” the same things to me. He is a repetitive toxic waste heap with a robot like response. He’s probably the lvl 10 alt swapper he accuses everyone else of being.

About 6 - 8 people keep repeating this troll nonsense. Probably all him.


Nothing I said it is nonsense it is jus true Truth.

I confess I haven’t read the whole thread but I already know your views if he’s responding to you like that. So, I welcome another player who must like the game. It drives them crazy and they invent all sorts of fantasies.

As long as Blizzard keeps ignoring them and knows there are people out here who absolutely love their decisions, I’m all good.

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Just look at how awful their logic is:

These are Retail players attempting to bring RDF into OUR game in order to turn us into a second Retail.

Then when WE fight back they call US the Trolls…

To be candid, I can’t believe Blizzard had the conviction to release this version and come out and say they won’t add RDF. Tis the only reason I came back actually. Haven’t played their games in years but this is the absolute best era of WoW and playing again has been a pleasure.

I agree, the community that Retail has fostered is terrible for Blizzard and I felt it start back in the original Wrath when this feature came out. The change was almost instant on my realm.

That dude I quoted above repeats the “troll” narrative almost every few minutes over-and-over-and-over. But, that’s the softer accusation. I’ve been accused of being you, various other names on the forums, and a whole slew of other condescending or personal attacks.


Not gonna convince me to hate the game no matter how much they try. I’m loving it.

Oh, I see Lemonfont talking to himself. Nothing new here, moving along now.