As a Community, we do not want RDF

9/10 times it’s just a few word exchange anyway just like what they argue about rdf so in the end it wouldn’t make a difference to social interaction really


C’mon bro, give me some credit. I am helping support you by helping supprt what the MAJORITY of the community wants. RDF.


:rofl::clap::clap: that’s good


There were MANY Surveys and Polls sent out about RDF, even the Devs said MAJORITY of people do NOT want RDF.

And yet, you can’t even link a source to this. No wonder why you want RDF so badly. You even created a “retail toon” dedicated to your support for RDF.


many you say? cool id love to see them, point me in the direction of those posts/polls/statements.


You need to enable it in your battle net account settings to receive it.

theres a setting that shows me old polls?


I think he is saying you need to enable it to get the surveys not to see them? However if thats true it should be enabled automatically for everyone so everyone can get them I’d think? Have to say I never got a survey for it to my knowledge.

The question is how many? 1000 10000? Certainly not the whole player base I’m guessing


i certainly wasn’t polled on the subject, So the results are not indicative of the whole player base. If these polls were only found by those seeking them out to push their agenda then the results are already skewed. But still… Id like to see such polls and old mate goes quiet when asked to present them.


That’s because he doesn’t have a answer to that question


That’s the thing with trolls. When asked for evidence they won’t reply, will ignore you, or say some dumb crap like “you can find it yourself” even though they make the asinine claim. And that is true testament to how Blizz views their player base. They let idiots run free and clear and punish those with valid arguments.


Couldn’t have said it any better myself.


As a Community, we do not want RDF!

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Or also claim official reports from Blizzard are fake too.

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I am busy playing the game prepping for Naxx as I just acquired my pre-BiS :slight_smile:

Polls and Data are Blizzard-sensitive meaning it won’t be revealed, they are all sent privately to those who opted in.

MANY voted NO to RDF.

well i checked, im opted in and got no such poll. No such forum post explaining the results of such poll, no such news post, blog post, interview mention or otherwise. I think we all know where this pole has actually been shoved and then subsequently pulled from when you need it.



Many isn’t minority either.

What I could find from the interviews with Kris Zierhut is that they found people very passionate about RDF on both sides; they decided to go for the gaming experience of those days. He also said that there were other factors to take into consideration: implementing RDF would mean gearing up much faster, and clearing content much faster, and after that point, players wouldn’t have any content to play through.

So it comes to an immediate solution that would create a future problem; it isn’t that simple, they evaluated what people wanted, what devs wanted and the possible results and consequences.

i cant tell whats a troll and whats a serious post anymore they all meld into one amorphous blob of low iq takes