As a Community, we do not want RDF

Do you ever stop being Toxic?

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You misspelled “honest”.

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People reading this will 100% take my side and go anti-RDF, who wants to be on the same side as you Toxic people?

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Why are you so delusional? You have head trauma a few times or something?


Good job contradicting yourself, chief.


Same can be said about you, you want RDF despite it NEVER coming back.

Oh? I haven’t said anything about rdf if you read my posts, I’m calling your toxic and hypocrisy out. So why are you so delusional?


I can tell by your Toxicity you are pro-RDF.

So wouldn’t that make you for rdf to seeing how toxic you are aswell?


I am anti-RDF, YOU are pro-RDF.

Oh? Thats all you have to say? Lol :laughing: again I’ve never said anything on rdf so why you assume?

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you keep saying that word, i do not think it means what you think it means. Are you sure you havnt just confused people talking about yourself?


Just going by how this conversation is going it’s an easy guess.

If WE the anti-RDF are NOT the Majority then why was RDF removed??

Simple blizz is incompetent its not the old blizz that made the greatest xpac its a sub par blizz that’s changing the greatest xpac for really no reason you are not the majority. I also have a feeling your really arguing all this for rdf I mean your name is rdf why isn’t it antirdf…??:thinking::thinking:


As a community, we do want RDF. And we can tell by this thread Lemonfont has made, just for us all. Creates a retail alt name Rdf, because in truth, they really do support Rdf. And the MAJORITY wants it!



This is wrong, Classic Devs care FAR more about OUR Community than Retail. They would ONLY make a decision if the MAJORITY agreed.

Then why is it not in the game?

Again you are delusional if you think they care at all about the community they care about money and shareholders.


When will yall let this thread die, played right into Rdf (OP)'s hands

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Tbh I’m bored right now also not really since if you read most of the thread it shows just how many want rdf opposed to not.


a misguided attempt at testing the decade long idea that the RDF killed the community. We can now see it wasnt the RDF and people will just spam for groups with the same resulting death of community.