As a Community, we do not want RDF

Your full of yourself if you think blizz gives a damn about you or me

That would involve me showing my main to a bunch of people who are going out of their way to already be toxic and promote Hate Speech against me on the forums, you see how this would only end badly for me right? I must protect myself from the Crazed pro-RDF Thugs and Bullies.

I am a Leader Figure in the Classic Community and I speak for the anti-RDF MAJORITY.

We do NOT want RDF.

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Also I’m not trolling you I’m calling you out on toxic bs

Wow you are just plain retarded got it

Oh, just like how you’re promoting hate-speech against others on the forums? Seems a little contradicting. But hey, if you don’t like being called Lemonfont, then prove it that you’re not Lemonfont. Otherwise, stop trolling.


Stealthboned, calm down. Some of the things that you’re saying is now should never be used as a way to insult others.


I say it how it is I’m genuine to a fault

Even more toxicity, remember people THIS is the type of crowd we get if we allow RDF into OUR Community.

I have been NOTHING but Kind and Respectful to EVERYONE. If anything I am the Victim here.

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Now play the victim card lol so typical

You havnt shown a ounce of respect gtfo lol pathetic

In the amount of time it takes to complain about RDF you could build a group in LFG :sweat_smile:

I’m not in game atm

Sigh, no proof and yet again claming it.

I am a Leader Figure in the Classic Community and I speak for the anti-RDF MAJORITY.
Aren’t you just enamored with yourself.
I am starting to believe a lot of you anti RFD are actually runners for gold, and worried about losing your customer base.
most of you have closed profiles, I wonder why…


Lets scroll up shall we?

Ugh, I could go on, but that is not being kind or respectful.


That is AFTER I was attacked, stop cherry-picking quotes.

Mine is Public, feel free to browse it.

We ARE the Majority otherwise the Devs wouldn’t have sided with us and RDF wouldn’t be removed.

Oh its ok for you to cherry pick quotes, but its ok when used against you I see. Get over yourself

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prove it…


No, you have been attacking everyone who wants RDF. Nobody on this forum is stupid.

Constantly calling people trolls and thugs, calling people Retail Tourist, telling people they post fake news, making false arguments with nothing to show for…

That is the reason why you get called a troll, because all you do is troll. Maybe Lemonfont, it is about time you take a break from the forums. Go outside and touch some grass. Because you haven’t made one full argument with any proof to back up.


I’ve read most of this thread I can pick maybe 5 people that are arguing against it not much a majority


Still haven’t had a “social” interaction with the current tool other than very brief replies and nothing else exactly how my RDF groups would go years ago