As a Community, we do not want RDF

They really are. You ever notice how they always get aggressive and personal when faced with solid reasoning as to why RDF is a net positive?

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Then maybe try to be a social person. Social interactions are a two way street and must be actively sought out by communicating, not by saying “hi” at the start and “gg” at the end.

Let’s not forget your line of thinking: “the is little socialization in classic. Let’s ruin it even more with RDF!” Doesn’t take a game design degree to know that’s not a very bright move.


You do not speak for me or anyone else. Most of the people I know want RDF.


You must know a VERY small amount of people, the MAJORITY do NOT want RDF.


Except, the majority does want RDF my friend.
Your ilk, the very, very vocal minority, do not.


Clearly not because it is NOT in the game.

Some of our groups needed pugs when some one needed a break, the ones that were fun and chill while also being decent at the game got invited back for more runs and later on heroics. All of our groups made a lot of friends. Our guild and all of our friend lists expanded pretty significantly. Cant remember the last time I added a rando from a rdf.

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Lmao this is true, this thread is just one false information after another.

We want RDF


The MAJORITY of the Community doesn’t.

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Erm… you do not get to speak for me… okay. The last thing I need is someone speaking for me, alright? Don’t ever do that again.

Say you’re a idiot more please.

You are a f***ing clown and a absolute horrible and extraordinarily unintelligent troll. You really need to get some mental health treatment asap. You speak for no one and I’m convinced not even yourself. The only thing I can take away from you is a child crying for attention on a internet forum, you must have a sad sad life. Get some help.

Woah, I don’t agree with Lemonfont, but I think this comment has taken it a little too far. Please, lets not sink down to their level.

Flagged for harassment.

Remember people if we get RDF THIS is the type of toxicity we will get, people like this are why the Devs wanted to protect OUR Classic Community instead of turning us into a 2nd Retail.

Hey Shamdood, control your pro-RDF Thugs, it’s obvious how bad our Community will get if we allow this into our game. Just look at how crazed your side is.

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Stop feeding him folks he is just trolling/comment farming, probably inflates his ego.

Riight, so i’m trolling but comments like this are OK?

This is why the pro-RDF side LOST, no one wants this type of Double Standard and Toxicity in the Community.

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Considering I’ve already shown you all my toons and alts, but ok then…

I mean you accuse me of being other people too, you don’t like the taste of your own medicine huh?

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So, why not do what I did, and prove that your not Lemonfont then. I’ve shown you I’m not Shamdood.

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