As a Community, we do not want RDF

I do not want random dungeon finder again either. It does ruin social interaction imo.


RDF is still going to be a negative impact on Classic, we want to preserve our Social Interactions and LFG chat has been FINE for over 3 years now. No need to change anything.

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Play on the Locked or Full server and see how fast the LFG chat scrolls. a lot of the time it’s hard to keep up.

Server identity killed by server-only RDF. Oh Rdf, never change you beautiful, beautiful moron.

also, I like the way the LFM/LFG in-game app is functioning right now. We don’t need RFD at all.

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I play on a Mega Server and we police our chat just fine and use the automated ban system to remove spammers.

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i disagree, lfg in my experience is full of toxic people and gatekeeping mentality, we need rdf to balance it out.

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RDF will only make the game more toxic.


100% agreed.


100% want RDF. now to add a note to it id be ok with only having it up to level 70.


Nah the 1-70 process is meant to teach players how to Communicate and be a part of the greater Community, RDF ruins that.


Laughable at best RDF go find elseware to troll.

The only thing laughable is your pro-RDF trolls that think RDF will EVER come back.

You better get used to LFG because it ain’t going NOWHERE.

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Calm down randy savage.

Notice when you prove a Pro RDF troll wrong he just accuses random innocents of being the real “troll” and then runs away… Happens every time.


[quote=“Shanxi-faerlina, post:6490, topic:1342717, full:true”]

100% or they attack you.

This is because anti-RDF people are trolls lmao, why would you not even want it.

Because everyone has seen how it has killed retail dungeon socialization and overall harmed the game


This is something they all seem to forget.

I’ve done the world tour twice, only got so many done today, you know how many social interactions we had? Next to none.

RDF did not kill social interactions. Modern gaming did.

RDF is optional. You can still find your social butterflies with RDF in the game. You do not have to use RDF. You and your fellow minority player base.

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