As a Community, we do not want RDF

What is wrong, anti-RDF is what EVERYONE wants.

Why should we? This thread shows we are the MAJORITY.

So pro-RDF trolls are more elaborate at hiding their alts. Got it.


Bet you don’t even have level 80 and have all of the pre-Bis requirements anyways since you are too absorbed into this thread.

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I want it. Please add it

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I already have a Level 80 and got my pre-BiS a while ago.

It isn’t that hard, I found INSTANT groups with the LFG tool the whole was through. MUCH faster than RDF.

No, you can go back to Retail with your Retail mechanics.


So you got carried while you boot out anyone who is getting in your way for your gears. Got it. Pretty sure you made tantrum if someone else rolled for your BIS too.

Why would I? I am the Tank, I just don’t invite people who can compete for my rolls.

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I really doubt that you are a good tank, considering how you had been ranting off about how you need liable DPS to do your work. I’ve seen many other tanks that actually do better carry equally as DPSes.

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I never said I couldn’t carry garbage player, I did it all the time in TBC for gold in the form of GDKPs.

Why would I carry someone who doesn’t put any effort into the game for free? Do I look like a charity?

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Seriously in denial. Please get help. Like I thought you were some weird person who would make a character avatar that looks like your face real life, but you are definitely a delusional creep.


You don’t speak for me. I want RDF


kinda like how you dont speak for the mulitple thousands that dont even get on these forums.

When I log in I see NO RDF, when I see Devs tweets I see anti-RDF. How are NOT the majority??

You’re right I speak for the MAJORITY who don’t want RDF.


As a community we do not want RDF.


Server only RDF is fine, when it’s cross realm is where the issue really is. Server only will not cause harm to the “community” it just takes the manual process out, it’s not to say you still cannot form your own groups.
Things like Cross realm zones (in retail) and the likes is what really killed this game from late MoP onward


No, it’s not.


Make a valid argument why server only RDF isn’t fine? Half of the damn time i cannot read the LFG chat due to the insane speed at which it scrolls.

Because it kills Server Identity to have RDF in ANY form, LFG should be the ONLY way to find groups as it preserves Social Interactions.


You don’t speak for everyone, most of the community are not on these forums.

The community that wants RDF is on Retail and other modern MMO.

That is only true when you throw in cross realm dungeon finder. Server only would mean that you only see people from your own server. With the added layering I’ve hardly seen the same person more than once in the world while leveling as well. The whole idea that “server community” is still a thing when a “medium” population realm was equal to being full back in 2008. Now mix in multiple layers and you have server populations that are in the range of being 5 times of what they originally where.