As a Community, we do not want RDF

The other thing I also thought that could work is enable RDF for levelling and normal dungeons, and make Heroic Dungeons only queuable through LFG.

What are you talking about? I’m anti-RDF, you’re the one that’s pro-RDF. I don’t want it. You should go back to retail if you want it so bad, keep it out of OUR community.

I knew I could eventually turn you pro-RDF trolls to anti-RDF by using Facts and Logic, it was only a matter of time.

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Stop trying to get RDF implemented, Rdf-Daggerspine. You need to go back to retail, you don’t belong to OUR Community hiding behind your level 10 retail alt trying to get retail systems added to the game.

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Feels good having this much influence over people, I am glad you woke up to Reality.

I wish you’d wake up to Reality. You’re just a retail troll. Stop soiling OUR community.

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I’m glad I was able to wake you up though.

Add the RDF! Too many people are too bloody picky about who they bring. “no plate” “no melee” “only casters” “full castergroup ez mode” Did a world tour with a full melee group fresh 80s… EZ as. people are too stupid to be allowed to form their own group.

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He cherry picks portions of statements, and uses those as “rebuttals” to prove he is “correct”

when in-fact he’s not.


Sounds totally like a thing only Lemonfont will ever do.

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Yeah, now i know you’re a troll.

Playing both Classic and Retail, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt; Classic is 1000 times EASIER than Retail.

It should be peoples RIGHT to pick who they party with.

This is not true at all, less than 5% of players completed pre-nerf SWP. If Classic is so easy why didn’t more people complete it?

Sure, those people should HAVE TO spam trade. let the rest of us just queue it up.


THIS. I can’t believe someone would go to such great lengths to hate on RDF? It’s fantastic! The best addition to the game! I mean, to post nonsense, create alts to support yourself, respond to every logical reply with lies and more nonsense…seriously, what could be so bad to merit this kind of delusional, psychotic behavior?


Oh, Rdf, this is going to ruin your moment.


I love the Dungeon Finder. I worked on it a lot personally. It is quite successful at finding you a group. It doesn’t guarantee a successful group. It’s a huge improvement over spamming trade chat trying to find a tank for your three-rogue party. But throwing together up to 5 strangers and asking them to do challenging content that some of the group may have never seen before is always going to be risky.

World of Warcraft supports a lot of solo play. However, we want dungeons to be a group experience. In fact, we think the game is more fun overall when you play with friends, which is why we put so much effort into encouraging players to join guilds for Cataclysm. Running a hard dungeon with friends tends to be a much better experience. Communication feels less awkward, and everyone is generally more supportive of mistakes. You learn the strengths and weaknesses and nuances of players that you run with regularly. There tend to be fewer loot arguments as well. PUGs have their place – don’t get me wrong. But we don’t want to sacrifice dungeons being fun and challenging for organized groups in order to have everything be conquered by any possible group. Make sense?

I’ve PUGged the Cataclysm content a lot. So have all of the designers. We want to stay in touch with what players are experiencing. Heroic PUGs are definitely harder than going with groups of people you know, but they aren’t impossible. If things start to go wrong, you might want to take a moment to analyze why they are going wrong before you bail. I do weep for those players who join an in-progress Heroic Rajh attempt (with suspicious player skeletons everywhere), immediately pull without any discussion, and then have the tank leave the group following the first wipe. That’s not fun for anyone and not going to lead to success. These aren’t the original Scholomance or Arcatraz runs that could take four hours with respawns. Making a couple of concerted attempts on Rajh is probably going to be faster than going into the queue again.


We’ve seen a few threads that suggest that we’re too proud to admit mistakes. I find that logic strange, because we do it all the time. Example one: we reverted the 10x honor from Tol Barad pretty quickly. It was a mistake. Example two: Heroic Strike is too dominant an attack for warriors. That was a mistake. Example three: the Lich King Heroic dungeons (and Naxxramas) were too easy to zerg, setting up an expansion-long expectation that purple gear would come easy and often. In retrospect, that was a mistake. We don’t at all view the Cataclysm dungeon and raid balance as a mistake.

However, I can name at least three things related to dungeon difficulty that we either did wrong or could do better. We’re our own worst critic, and we are very hard on our own decisions.

First, item level is a necessary – but not sufficient – hoop to jump through when using the Dungeon Finder for Heroics. We should have also made sure players had at least seen the content on normal mode before. Maybe we should have had Burning Crusade-like attunements. Maybe we should have made the item level requirements pretty relaxed if you’re going with a premade group and much stricter if you’re going with a pick-up group. We’d love to implement (and have some long-term plans that include) better ways to detect if you know what you’re doing other than just the gear you’ve accumulated. Overall, we just needed to state more clearly that Heroic dungeons are intended as a destination, not a first step.

Second, there are only a few level-85 normal dungeons. For a level-85 player who isn’t ready for Heroics but wants to run dungeons, these can get old pretty quickly. Perhaps another way to handle it would have been to have introductory Heroics and harder Heroics. We’ve also flirted with having three difficulty levels before, but that does add an extra level of content to develop and complexity to explain.

Third, the game could do a better job of telling a group why they failed so that so much blame doesn’t fall at the feet of the healer. We talk a lot about not standing in fires, but equally important is the number of bosses that spawn in adds that must be gathered up and/or burned down quickly, or in some cases ignored. We’re also asking a lot of DPS or tanks in those situations, but that information isn’t always conveyed well except through trial and error.

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That would be upsetting if rdf could read.


Doesn’t look like RDF is coming back anyways.


Can we close this thread already?

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This is…wrong.

Ok Rdf

The difference is, Pro RDF folks grammar structures and writing efforts are quite different from you and your alter ego or your wife/lover Shanxi.