As a Community, we do not want RDF

This one time addons were broken and I actually couldn’t complete a +2 anymore.

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they do, and when they dont you just follow the youtube video of everyone else standing in exact position. along with that you just hit whatever lights up and the entire game is played for you by proxy of addons, weakauras, and the built in ui. retail is incredibly easy. easier than wrath.

we all can see that already.

they do. unless you consider pressing the button your weakaura tells you to to be playing your class.

you have zero keys done this season.

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This is incredibly disingenuous when he literally posted his rio.

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where did he post anything

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I just posted my Locks io page… Allow me to do it again.

Yeah nevermind it’s hopeless LOL

no wonder u think addons do the work for you, when classic has the same exact addons LOL

Weakauras + DBM is also in classic surprise surprise!

I love when classic andys watch an asmon stream talking about addons and suddenly everyone forgets that addons have been around forever lol

Here, I’ll hold your hand because it’s so difficult apparently.

yup, that explains it. you’re only doing 28s. when your clearing +30s you should have improved enough to see how easy it is.

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If you check parses for Retail raid it is less than 100k, SWP clocked in over 1.6M parses and less than 5% did pre-Nerf SWP…

Classic is HARDER than Retail.

What are you talking about? lol This is ridiculous lol.

i gotta update my dbm and weakauras for classic man thanks for reminding me

You are aware that percentiles are relative to sample size correct?

28s are considered to be very easy by players that actually know what theyre doing in mythic plus. since that’s your peak, the reason you find retail more difficult is because you struggle with the content personally. as someone that’s actually in the top .01% of BOTH games, im telling you, your wrong about everything.

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you may aswell have not commented because i have no idea what ur saying anymore

i think i need a phd in english to understand this

Moving the goal post again, I can already see the cope before you say it. Just admit it bud, the average pre-Nerf SWP raider can complete ANY Mythic Retail raid but same can’t be said about a Mythic Retail Raider completing pre-Nerf SWP content.

reading is too difficult?

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I understood it JUST fine, try again.

yea! M+ is easy too. and wotlk is easy now that I’m thinking about it. You changed my mind! Both are equally easy.

And I happen to be an absolute chad at both.

hey cmon cut yourself some slack, what im saying isnt that above you :joy: :joy:

good so stop ruining the thread with offtopic posts and only post about rdf and how great the game is without it.

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