He thinks he’s that important, nobody cares about him. He’s a pathetic loser. Clearly he doesn’t play classic and just trolls the forums.
Reported for harassment.
Flagged for harassment, be better. Just cause you lost a debate doesn’t mean you should act like that.
Forget to switch from your alt, Rdf?
idk if anyone is winning or losing i think no one’s opinions are really being changed here LOL
No, I saw you harrasing another forum user and I reported you.
And there it is, he moves the goalpost and calls people alts.
if rdf was in the game yall could post in here all day and still be leveling think about it
Yeah, it sucks that pro RDF trolls are here trying to constantly derail the discussion, perhaps afraid this thread will appear at the next Blizz HQ meeting to solidify that RDF shall never happen, even in “Cata classic”
yea i mean rdf doesn’t matter in the long run. in the game or not if u play the game everyday you prob wouldn’t use it unless it’s for leveling anyway.
I think it already did, a couple days after this thread came out ALL the RDF achievements were officially removed from the game.
And they still hopium saying “BLIZZ WILL ADD IT SOON YOU’LL SEE” Conspiracy theorist or trolling. I can’t tell either apart, I guess that’s Poe’s Law.
either way insulting ppl over some dumb game feature is silly.
I know, that’s why I won’t stand by and let the OP of this post get attacked by forum trolls who are mad that RDF isn’t coming.
I agree with this thread.
Okay I am done. Blizz needs to shut this post down. You are insane.
Says one of the biggest forum trolls.
Now you’re getting it.
The only insane idea being discussed is the one where RDF is added to live servers.
I am just reading through the beginning of this post to see if I could find any middle ground and I found this gem. You do know Wrath is when RDF was released?? So true wrath would have it. Just sayin
Oh ok so now you used the B slur, called me the I word and commenting on my mental state negatively.
Maybe YOU should be removed form the forums as it’s clear you need to relax and have a time out.
My post represents the thoughts of the MAJORITY, it will go nowhere.
This is CLASSIC Wrath NOT RETAIL Wrath, they are two DIFFERENT games with a new Dev Team and Vision.