As a Community, we do not want RDF

So can we have rdf once mages start selling HoS boosts? That’ll kill lfg a little right?

cool, still don’t care about how fast you have an 80 at the end of the day. the fact you think I’m offended in some way shape or form is just cute, spoilers, I’m not.

I’m probably one of the few that would like RDF.

My reasons: work second shift, so grouping late night is tough. days off aren’t weekends, grouping during the week daytime tough. Maining a hunter, I don’t always get asked to group up with the guild. Plus having a few alts I’d like to level up, RDF/LFG helps out too.

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Rdf would port you to dungeons. This doesn’t. Rdf put us in a group this doesn’t.

they have bumped there own posts more then 1300 times with their rdf alt and tons more on their other 3 characters. I’m shocked blizzard hasnt silenced at shut this thread down. they dont even get creative with the bumps. It’s just the same thing over and over


If this guy can do it then who even needs RDF??


I used to use RDF all the time in retail. When I switched over to classic, it was like being able to breathe again. People talking and socializing. I’ve made more friends on Classic in 3 mo then I ever made on retail!

RDF is only a good idea on PAPER. In reality, it kills the game from the inside out.

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I don’t understand how these pro-RDF people can’t understand that, even the Devs sided with us.


i’m guessing it’s because they weren’t social to begin with, hence they don’t care if dungeon socialization dies.

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Sounds like Retail players trying to turn Classic into Retail 2.0 tbh


I mean, Retail used to be a great game. An amazing game. Who brought it down? Sure blizzard messed up a lot, but they were chasing the PROFIT motive, aka appeal to these people.

Let’s hope they learn if you want RDF GO TO RETAIL!

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Isn’t it tiring talking to yourself on alts?


Maybe, but I don’t have any forum alts, so I don’t know.

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let me get this straight. for you and everyone else thats stating go back to retail if you want retail features. are you a mugel?

having some retail features in classic wont hurt classic one bit. we already have RDF in one form or another right now in classic. how do you think BG’s are happening but for pvp!

so get off that pedestal of a high horse your on. RDF wont ruin classic like everyone is speculating that it will do. Whats ruining classic are the bots, the queue’s, and the non communication from the devs. Thats whats ruining classic right now.

And why do you think BG pug queue is a low quality experience? You only strengthen our point by reminding me tons of people do premades instead of queueing in the cross-realm… I can only wonder why.

thats not entirely true. a lot of us dont have time to form grps to queue for BGs. we do have to adult and adult responsibilities now vs 10 yrs ago.

You cannot deny that Premading is a higher quality experience than most PUG matches.“gg just afk go next”.

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You’re just going to be arguing with Rdf and his multiple forum alts.


also having pugs in bgs isnt a bad thing. a lot of new players are playing classic.

false, premades have been destroyed by pugs multiple times and it just agitates them when that happens. the response we get when they hop on either ally / horde character. did we really lose to a pug grp when we’re a premade. yup, pretty much.

so again your response is strictly bias and false.

I would’ve preferred not cross realm but I don’t know if it would been better or worse - all that I know for sure is PUG experience is bad in BGs, hence why people avoid it. The same problem will happen to RDF.

You really shouldn’t play that card since we’re both on Faerlina. He’s gonna see through your bluff soon enough.

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