As a Community, we do not want RDF

Then why did RDF get removed?

We didn’t have RDF since 2019 since Classic launched and we’ve all had a FANTASTIC experience, there is NOTHING wrong with LFG and it does NOT need to be changed.

Why did it get removed?

Blizzard Devs making terrible decision(s), AGAIN.

RDF was never in Classic or TBC, why would they add a system that wasn’t implemented in the original version(s) of a(n) game ?

You’re argument that it reduces the social aspect of the game is a farce. There is no social aspect to this game anymore; I don’t talk to anybody in Dungeon(s) - The majority of the player base in 5 mans are not “good” players.

If you’re ahead of the curve of those waves, It’s because you play with friends you already have; where your social interaction(s) with them are in a 3rd Party app; such as Discord.

Ventrillo, Mumble, Discord killed the social interaction(s) of WoW, not RDF.

You’re parroting down the wrong street bud.


Just remember this.


RDF got removed because of certain classic pservers players demanded it not being in the game, while players that have continued playing the game since its entirety wanted it. The arguments against these players for not having RDF are saying what they dislike about it but end up doing the things they just so happen to be fighting against.

It’s honestly annoying to see. Mods please close this topic, would like to give Rdf, the player, a chance to cry silently with some decency before he starts raging about how RDF ruins things when people aren’t playing said way to begin with.


RDF will be Make Classic Great Again


Then that is YOUR problem, I have PLENTY of social interactions using LFG and we can see on Retail how damaging RDF is to society.

Why would they close down a topic, the BIGGEST topic in the entire forum simply because it didn’t break any rules and hurt your feelings?

NOTHING I said is Wrong, it is the Truth.

It’s not my feelings I’m worried about, it’s yours. And I have also stated, in multiple threads, about how not having rdf will not affect me in the slightest. But for some reason, it affects you.

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Why would it be a problem? The majority of players in the 5 mans I group with are bad at the game; Why would i need to communicate with any of them? I go in do my role, collect loot and leave.

I am not there to make friends with players who can’t even remotely hit buttons correctly. I am also not there to TEACH them how to play.

You hide on a level 10 ALT; and refuse to post on a main; What are you hiding from ?

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Really? All I ever see you do is here on the forums posting 24/7.

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You getting so upset and defensive about it kind of leads me to believe how true the “accusation” is lol.


Speak for your self do not speak for me.

iv been playing this game since original TBC and let me tell you i HATE having to sit in LFG and trade chat spamming it for possibly hours in hopes of getting a group for older content.

LFD and LFR in no way killed the social interactions in this game to think so other wise is stupid


Define “bad players”, to me, it’s a moral compass of god complexity on a casual game and think the game is hard.

So when it comes to groups, just keep it in guild, you have zero interests in others, that’s the difference between players like you vs me.

What are you talking about?

You’re the one that made things personal. I simply wanted to discuss how fake and irrelevant your “evidence” is.

Quote a single instance of me using a fallacy, I’ll wait.

Strawman, Whataboutism, ad hominem, false equivalency…

Quote a single instance of me doing this.

Quote me saying this, I never have.

More ad homienms because you can’t make a proper logical argument. Do you think calling others cowards and frauds is convincing anyone? I’ll let you in on a secret, it isn’t.

Define bad ? Somebody who gets consistently beat on dmg by a tank.

Somebody who doesn’t know mechanics, somebody whos a dps and decides to mongo pull before the tanks is there, or mongo pull while somebody is dead or healer is OOM. They are bad players. 90% of all LFD groups/5 mans have 1 or 2 of those in them.

The difference between players like you and I ?

Ill error on the side of caution and assume you took offense because you fall in the category I am describing.

ha ok bud, like I said, why are you playing with randoms then if you only want to do stuff with your guild? I just assume you have no one to play with because of your bad attitude.

Yep, because I am working on my 3rd 80 while some of my guild is still leveling their first 80s.

You do see how slow you are at catching on right ?

I don’t have a bad attitude, I just know a bad player when I see one.

Somebody is offended, call the cops.

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no offense meant but if youre working on your 3rd 80… not sure i would be proudly announcing that to the forums. seems like you MIGHT need to get outside a little bit.

None taken, I got my first 80 in ~9.5 hours. Instantly swapped and got my next done in 12 hours.

Thing is, I was more efficient with my time than the majority of players. I also sat in a 10k que yesterday, twice.

i was just concerned with health, we had a kid brought inot the er not too long ago… played 40 some hours straight in an online mmo. he was dehydrated and on the verge of having a coronary, at 19. scary stuff.

Appreciate that! LOL I am fully hydrated and functional. I just power/speed level. have for years.

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