As a Community, we do not want RDF

tmw you think it’s just pro-RDF quitting :rofl:

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Their opinion doesn’t matter when they don’t acknowledge the Truth.

Never will as long as he’s fed, would a stray animal stop coming to your door step when you keep feeding it.

Everyone’s opinion matters, no need to be a jerk.

Not all opinions are equal, those with the anti-RDF clearly means more considering WE won.

This is an opinion.

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Wrong it’s Reality, get used to it.

      Literally nothing you two have said have really shown any evidence of RDF being bad. Just outwitting trolls doesn't make your point right. So here you want someone to beat, ill disprove everything you got. Just have facts and supporting information before you come at me otherwise I will count as a loss (I'm sure you will still bark back because that's the type of internet warriors you are). I have a simple post of my own about how it would help many issues in the game. 
      I will say to start that RDF doesn't mean you cant be social and make your own group before using the "find others" feature. It seems the only coping mechanism that you two have is that being on a server with out it forces people to talk to you because there isn't another option. I suggest finding a spouse at applebee's for both of you because that seems to be as good as your argument will ever be. Come at me screen warrior.

Your opinion is worthless to me, so your opinion is wrong. Funny how that works.

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This thread has kept me entertained for almost two weeks.

Well RDF is in wrath albeit a different version…and on page 1 you said you’d upsub if it was in


Are you unsubbed yet

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Nope, it’s an opinion, sorry you feel differently.

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There are still people who haven’t put this troll on ignore?

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What do you do when you have nothing else to do? I talk to people like RDF :laughing:
I don’t take anything he says seriously because I know he’s trolling but it’s like those stupid little phone game ads that intentionally play poorly to make you want to buy it and try it. Except with RDF I don’t have to buy anything or install adware, I just show up, poop on his logic and then go about my business until I get bored again :rofl:

The Truth cannot be wrong, sorry.

It’s not and never will be.

I thought they would realize this when Wrath launched and Blizz is STILL quiet or actively denying the possibility of a RDF system. I guess cultish faith isn’t broken by facts.

They already compromised with LFM tool, but OF COURSE they still demand a terrible system that kills socialization.

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You’re insufferable.

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I like your shamelessness regarding my comment yet you respond to other trolls. Go to Applebee’s and catch you a slow gazelle so you can whine about that instead. you obviously weren’t a part of the game back then to know what exactly it did and what positive effects it had on the community as well. There is your truth. Wannabe wrathbaby

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Socialization is code for gatekeeping based on class in content that can literally be done blindfolded while clicking. People gatekept karazhan during even black temple in tbc classic.

Especially in an environment where people aren’t looked up or any skill/ilvl/gear being shown in the equation.

Humans suck and people that treat trivial content like RANDOM HEROICs as if it were high m+ keys/raiding is just weird. Most of the people “utilizing socialization” won’t be chatting after they find what is the unnecessarily best because of cringe min max culture.

Forcing people to suck it up and mash through the content is more social if anything by exposing you to more people that there is a chance social interactions will come up in.

p.s. we are playing 3.3.5 and it had dungeon finder tool in it. Don’t need to regress the game back to appease vanilla weirdos.


Same can be said about ANY pro-RDF supporter.

You were in diapers when I played Wrath back in the day, not only did a MAJORITY of the playerbase QUIT due to RDF being introduced but it absolutely killed the Community element of the game and led to LFR/WoW Tokens BOTH of which came from introduction of RDF.

Keep your RETAIL mechanics on RETAIL.

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