I am at this point trying to decide whether Rdf is just a general hater or a blizzard employee gaslighting the forums.
He’s a disgruntled retail troll. He doesn’t even play classic.
Yeah so just a hater
Imagine thinking you can speak for an entire community.
This is CLASSIC Wrath NOT RETAIL Wrath, they are two DIFFERENT games with DIFFERENT systems.
I am a Leader Figure in the Classic Community, I represent the MAJORITY who want anti-RDF.
I have better parses than you.
I’m just a man whose telling the Truth
And since you aren’t telling the truth we have decide what you are telling.
I have NEVER lied ONCE in this ENTIRE thread…
I didn’t say you lied, I said you didn’t tell the truth.
Haha! This “multi billion dollar company” didn’t make it’s money from listening to the players. It got there from predatory monetization to the detriment of their own games.
There could be countless reasons outside RDF for player dropoff and I’m sure they do have some analytics for a few. But I would bet there’s too much going on there to pinpoint one small in game system. As for the decision to remove RDF, that was just a decision made by a developer for reasons that may yet not play out. If there is enough outcry, it will be put into the game and if it does… that’s because analytics showed they were wrong. Question is, IF this happens can you deal?
You’re a liar. A sack of turd holds more truth.
RDF, you are loved. Seek help now if you are struggling mentally. It’s okay… We are here for you. You seem to be struggling enough to troll for 12 days straight bro
Myself and MILLIONS of others of others will unsubscribe just like they did in the original Wrath when RDF first came out.
The Devs on Classic ONLY cater to the MAJORITY, they are on OUR side.
anti-RDF won for good, deal with it.
Says the gold buyer, I’d respect you more if you actually worked for what you had.
Of course I am, I am a Leader Figure in this Community.
See - This is the exact crap you spew. Good riddance, you useless old turd.

Myself and MILLIONS of others of others will unsubscribe just like they did in the original Wrath when RDF first came out.
Myself and MILLIONS of others will subscribe

The Devs on Classic ONLY cater to the MAJORITY, they are on OUR side.
Then they should add RDF

anti-RDF won for good, deal with it.
Still thinking it’ll never be added

Still thinking it’ll never be added
It’a just Reality it does NOTHING for the game.
So have you unsubbed? If so. Can I have your gold.

So have you unsubbed? If so. Can I have your gold
Why would I unsub?
I’m waiting for him to unsub so he stops posting stupidity here.
Why would I unsub when MY side won? If anything I’m enjoying all the pro-RDF trolls slowly unsub, I can already feel the queue shortening day by day as this post remains in the front page.

It’a just Reality it does NOTHING for the game.
In your opinion, others have a different opinion, hence this 6000 post thread.