As a Community, we do not want RDF

I have posted the ACCURATE NA graph showing that RDF led to a SHARP decline, the numbers do NOT lie.

Accurate? From where?

You just said that Blizzard didn’t release NA subscription numbers (And they don’t release individual region numbers because the shareholders don’t care). So which is it?

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Go back to being bald instead of spreading false information.


I have posted the graph MANY times, you can EASILY find it in my profile.

They did and I posted them, check my profile. The numbers you have are Worldwide, the one I have is NA.

Wasn’t what I asked. Where did you find this “accurate” graph from?

Sorry but your posting history is a bit of a dumpster fire. Just link the post please. Shut me up once and for all.

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Through EXTENSIVE research.

It is NOT my job to educate the uneducated, if you can’t even find info then don’t debate me.

We want RDF.

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Claims to have evidence, refuses to post evidence.


An absurd lie. These forums have taught us that the VAST majority of people want RDF back. Probably because it was in Wrath, and therefore should be in Classic Wrath. It creates zero problems whatsoever. Just silly. Blizzard, please bring back our game, its why we are here.

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And yet RDF is REMOVED AND the Devs support anti-RDF, it’s OVER.

anti-RDF WON.

Get used to LFG, it is not going ANYWHERE.

Guys he is becomming really unhinged. Maybe we should stop posting provable facts and let him get back to being a functional human being.


CLEARLY its not over. WAY too many people protesting it. People that will walk with their money if they don’t get it. The very definition of NOT OVER. Stop lying.

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If RDF is brought back MILLIONS will leave Wrath Classic as they did in the original Wrath.

Keep it up Rdf! Champion of the people.

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No they didn’t. WoW gained around 500,000 subs after RDF was implemented. There is no individual subscription count released for NA because they only released total numbers as a part of their quarterly shareholders reports.


You have poor choice in champions.


I’m converted
I’m pro RDF now

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clearly they dont play the game. I looked through LFG system, clicked on “request to join” and they took whoever came first so they didnt have to wait for a certain group. None of it was hard and there wasnt any conversations to be had because we were… you know, playing the game. The game itself while in gameplay discourages conversations at a core level. If I have keybinds and everything im not going to be typing while im trying to keep threat and a run going smoothly while dps doing their dps things.

That hasnt happened. Sometimes people will say “you need this spawn too” a group is then formed and both people go on their way after its done. This is how the gaming community interacts with each other on a massive scale. And as long as there is the lfg system no one is going up to someone going “hey do you want to come do this” because they can just list themselves, invite the first tank, dps, or healer get the dungeon and quests done and then thats it.

You still need to find a tank and a healer and people are sitting there for a long while trying to find members for their group. I seen a healer sitting there waiting for people.

LFG chat is dead right now and so is LFG for wrath content.

That will be too late. Entirely too late and should be in Ulduar somewhere. Heroics will have no real purpose by that time outside of a daily heroic.

At the end of the day we are already seeing the arguments of keeping it out fail. And I dont think anyone is 80 yet, at least not on my server. These are just fantastical ideas not rooted in reality and doesnt follow how the playerbase actually functions.