His stomach is probably the majority of his body, though. Obviously compensating for something
It’s the same pro-RDF troll on like 10 accounts, all those posts are Spam.
In reality there is NO RDF, Devs support us as well.
anti-RDF WON, get used to it.
Keep eating McDonald’s and heart failure is going to win, too.
I am a healthy 300 pounds, stop being Fatphobic.
You are running out of ways to troll tbh
You keep calling this a troll yet you still post here, you know you can leave right?
Nah, I find you amusing. Keep going fam
The only troll I see is you, 1000+ post against RDF is a little excessive. Creating an alt, leveling until 10 JUST so you can post on forums is what I consider a spammer, and most do as well.
Devs support whoever is paying the most money. They do not even know what they want right now and that’s clear.
It may have won for now, but give it a few months when they realize its needed based off the player base feedback. And if I don’t like it I’ll simply unsub I don’t pay for this game with my real money anyways and haven’t for years, I’m not bound to this game like its my life, such as yourself.
Did you even play during the height of WoTLK or were you too young?
I have a question though? Do you want no RDF because you never run, so you use wasting time running to dungeons to cope with that fact? Or no?
This is a strange hill to choose to die on.
Hence why they support anti-RDF, even back in the day during Wrath they lost MILLIONS of subs due to releasing RDF.
No you just lost millions of brain cells
I dont think they lost millions.
I have posted MULTIPLE graphs showing that RDF was the DOWNFALL of original Wrath.
Actually the subscription count went up by half a million after the RDF implementation. The count didn’t start dropping until after the release of Cata.
Even more Fake News, you were in diapers when the original Wrath came out if you didn’t know that RDF was a HORRIBLE decision that made MANY leave.
Blizzard actually reported subscription counts during this period and you can easily find numerous charts from reputable sources that confirm my claim. You’re not fooling anyone.
They only reported Worldwide numbers NOT NA.
The NA market on its own is an insignificant drop in the subscriber pool, both then and now. More to the point, how could you possibly know that NA lost ‘millions’ of subscribers because of RDF if the released information doesn’t support your claim?
You can easily find the answer to your own statement. Blizzard lost the most subs AFTER cata, they never lost millions during WoTLK. Stop spreading lies.
EVERY chart shows EQ2 as the MOST subs in history.