As a Community, we do not want RDF

No you dont, you cant count peoples post that argee with you more then once, you can only count each person once.

Except they’re not entirely are they? Brian Birmingham has said on several occasions that adding RDF at a later date has not been ruled out.


At the end of the day this petty back and forth circular argument is pointless. They will either add it or they won’t, but people are allowed to have their say on the matter regardless of how strongly you feel about it.

He NEVER said this.

He did an interview with PC gamer regarding some of the changes. It was published 6 days ago. Enjoy the read.

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Just read it, nowhere does he confirm it.

“BUY A TRANSFER”. How about you get a life?

Yes they can’t add RDF that would kill the social fabric of the game and make the world seem dead!!!

posted from layer 6 of my mega server in botanica

I wish people sticking their head in the sand would at least admit that it needs to be added in for pre wotlk dungeons. Blizzard themselves said that the reason for joyous journeys was to invigorate low level zones/dungeons before wrath launched. They know very well that the lower level zones are dead and arguing against pre 70 rdf is just arguing against the long term sustainability of the game and community they claim to love so much.

Here, I’ll make it super easy for you:

" Dungeon (finder) decisions

Earlier this year, Blizzard announced that the Random Dungeon Finder tool wouldn’t be added to Wrath Classic and this has been a point of contention for some. The original Wrath expansion added the tool during one of the later patches, allowing players to form five-person groups with the click of a button and be thrown into a dungeon with randoms. This is something that modern WoW still makes use of, but many feel that the tool was the start of the decline of the social aspect of the game, when the feeling of community the early game fostered began to fade.

“The original experience was without the dungeon finder, at least at the beginning of Wrath,” says Resendez. “But that said, it’s something that we’ve been talking about a lot inside the team. I don’t think that it was an easy decision. This automated system of already picking who’s going to be grouped with you can create less personal communication. So we’re really leaning towards the opposite side of that—you go and pick out the group that you want to experiment with and have some social interactions.”

“Automatic dungeon finding is a cool tool if you want to get a quick game over lunch, I get that,” adds Birmingham. “But there’s also value in a kind of a game where you have to put a little bit more effort in to make a new friendship, to try to reach out to somebody else to say, ‘Hey, do you want to come do this?’ Opening up that conversation means that you have those chances to make those off-spec groups or try something a little bit zany. Rather than wait as long as it’s gonna take for DPS to find a tank and a healer, you can try to figure out some way to cobble it together yourself. And we want that kind of opportunity to have those social engagements, and also those opportunities to creatively solve problems.”

Blizzard is well aware of the split in the community on the subject of the Random Dungeon Finder. In fact, it first surfaced internally, according to Birmingham. “We wanted to make sure we announced it early. Partly because we knew it would be contentious from talking internally on the team. There were some people who were like, ‘Oh, I can’t wait that we’re gonna get to Wrath and get [the Random Dungeon Finder],’ and we’re like, ‘No, we’re thinking we aren’t.’ And we did have a conversation at that point.”

If you’re hoping the RDF tool will be added in a later update, you’ll likely be disappointed, though Birmingham said it hasn’t been ruled out entirely. “I do know there has been a popular request that maybe we should introduce it with Icecrown Citadel. But that’s not the plan right now. That said, our plans are always evolving. We’re always still listening. So I don’t want to say for sure, one way or the other. But right now we’re thinking we’re not going to add it.”

This is the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard! RDF WAS in the original Wrath, and needs to be in this one. RDF IMPROVES social interactions. It also helps casual players with busy lives enjoy their valuable gaming time more. That’s WHY it was the best addition to the game and that addition came in ORIGINAL WRATH. All the friends in my friends list have come from Random Dungeon Finder. I hate guilds because they are try-hard Jerks that treat people crappy if they aren’t geared yet. RDF was an excellent addition in Wrath that NEEDS to be in Wrath, because that’s Wrath. WRATH.

If you want a classic game that did not have RDF, please go enjoy the option Blizzard has made available to you, Classic Vanilla…

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This is CLASSIC NOT RETAIL Wrath, they are two SEPERATE games with two DIFFERENT systems.

No, you are wrong. Classic Wrath should be original Wrath, that is the point of doing all these classic versions. Stop being wrong. Please go enjoy Classic Vanilla.

I keep seeing this “ruined social interactions” but how? Give me an honest, real answer.
When I played during WoTLK, you know when RDF was introduced, it created a better social aspect, one where I actually interacted with people.

You will unsub if they add RDF? So what? How many will join back if they do add it?
It’s funny, you are literally a delusional moron. Trying to tell people their friends do not matter, well who cares about you? Get your 400 pound stupid self and go outside, maybe your whole social life wouldn’t be on World of Warcraft.

After seeing that this guy made an account with the name RDF, leveled it to 10 just so he can post on forums shows EXACTLY what type of person this is.

Guy is a sad sad person.


They are going to get MORE players by removing RDF.

Do you know how to make mac and cheese? I know you probably can’t cook, but I can help. Maybe you’ll lose some weight walking to the kitchen, but you probably need to eat healthier foods to help with that receding hairline of yours.

Flagged for harassment.

I’m shocked that got you but not the weight loss comment.

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All you have to do is read the forums and see the majority speaking out. You’ll have the answer if there would be more subs or not.
You are not the majority by the way.