did you look in the mirror?
i do have a serious question though…
how bad exactly is your life that you put so much importance on virtual achievements that mean nothing in real life? is it that you arent able to achieve anything in real life?
did you look in the mirror?
i do have a serious question though…
how bad exactly is your life that you put so much importance on virtual achievements that mean nothing in real life? is it that you arent able to achieve anything in real life?
You absolutely could be right.
Unlike most, I don’t want people to just vanish and go back to retail. As someone who is very Anti-retail, I don’t want to see retail be successful as petty as that may sound.
I don’t want this to be like every other classic content patch where people disappear. I can only speak from my own experience. Once me and some buddies have our tier and BiS, we pretty much just take a break and some don’t come back.
In the games current state, I feel like content is a bit too easy (once again an opinion, not saying that retail is harder). Blowing through it quickly leads most of my buddies to logging off and sometimes not coming back.
You could also be right, perhaps it will increase engagement amongst alt-o-holics. I simply don’t know if that is the case and can only speak to my own experience but you could very well be right and I could very well be wrong. I suppose I fear the risk.
You realize they are changing A LOT of stuff from original wrath, right? Buffing Naxx mobs, changing wintergrasp control mechanics, buffing ulduar loot, buffing sarth 3 drakes, and on… RDF came out in wrath (towards the end but still wrath). They didn’t start use out with pre-nerf DKs right? Because they are using a later patch.
Wrath is still considered an old school expansion in 3.4 even with classic+ changes.
They’re minor qol or gameplay benefits like shared paladin seals from TBC.
True, we do have summoning stones. Good point.
Can you please explain to me how this is not possible with RDF? I truly do not understand. You can still form a group with RDF in place. Can you not? What does RDF take away from the game?
In addition, it gives people incentive to start characters on low population servers and more people to play with, lowering the queue times on bigger servers. Vice, waiting for hours on end to find a group or get into the game.
Have you ever played RDF on Retail or FFXIV? Nobody says a word 99 times out of 100 except for o7 and gg, or something like that.
lol these changes are not QoL. RDF is QoL
For RDF to be a quality of life improvement, it needs actually to improve the quality of life.
If I was being semantic you could say Blizzz THOUGHT RDF was a QoL change when it was added in ICC. They were wrong, that’s why it’s not coming in 2022 or 23.
completely understandable, i fear the lack of rdf will drive even more people away. ive already lost a dozen incoming players who decided to not even sub when they found out about the lack of rdf. they just dont have the time to put in to make it worth it. and ive got another dozen currently in my guild, myself included, making noise about letting subs run out and not resubbing. and that inevitably leads to the conversation about returning to the less than official option to play authentic wrath.
Then say something. Don’t get mad at rdf because nobody wants to talk to you lol.
I do, that’s why I said nobody says a word. As in, nobody says a word back to me.
It speeds up the process of grouping with people and traveling to the dungeon. If that’s not QoL idk what is.
Legalized botting would speed up the process of many things required with gold.
That doesn’t mean it’s good for the game.
please for the love of everything leave it out of the game!!!
I remember back then when it changed everything.
I remember how it is now in retail.
Leave it out!!! make people talk to each other its a whole different game when we cant just push buttons run into a dungeon do it and push another button.
I know there is some Pro RDF supporters who still don’t “Get it”, but many retail players or people who play modern MMOs with RDF systems, they don’t want in Classic BECAUSE WE KNOW how it really is.
Like some unspecified political ideologies, it sounds really nice till its implemented.
the only change it made was take the power away from the gatekeepers because half the pugs would use rdf so your pool of people to abuse got smaller. you cant MAKE people talk to each other and rdf actually promotes talking where as LFG is full of political hot garbage, gender politics, and perversion.
I appreciate you being respectful and I do understand your point as well.
There’s is definitely a community split on this topic. I may even be the minority but it is true that there are pockets of players that have different experiences and approach the game differently because no two people have the same experiences in game and out.
It’s a rough topic. Although I may have an opinion, I do see it from both sides and I don’t envy blizzards position currently.
Any decision they make will affect the community and possibly reduce player engagement just based on people believing it will affected their experience one way or the other.
Back to the illogical comparison. How do you form a group now? If I’m forming it, I spam a macro in lfg and wait for people to msg me. Then I click the inv button. Then we do the dungeon. Then we say gg at the end. If I’m joining another grp, I say “inv dps” or w/e. I either get invited or ghosted. Then we do the dungeon. Then we say gg at the end. What kind of therapy session are you looking for in a dungeon? You want someone to ask how your day is going or who your favorite streamer is? Like wtf do you want. You’re blaming your sense of lacking community on RDF when it’s really just the game/playerbase itself and the fact that this isn’t a new game. I understand your dream but I feel like it’s just not the way it is anymore. Sorry.
so you had bad experiences, yet the sub numbers continued to climb after rdf was implemented. you are actually trying to promote an idea that the less people that play wrath the healther wow is… confusing and wrong. and you bring up other modern mmos with rdfs systems… well ive played ff and new world and several other mmos with and without an rdf… guess what… down to the last man woman and/or child… the mmos WITH and rdf system tend to have more players. and no more toxicity than wow does. in fact i wouldnt hesitate to say in my experience, less toxicity than wow does.