No, but it DOES Preserve the sense of REAL LIFE, IMMERSION, and a sense of a shared world.
All things important for any MMO.
No, but it DOES Preserve the sense of REAL LIFE, IMMERSION, and a sense of a shared world.
All things important for any MMO.
These guys are so cringe. They just want to feel like they are “winning” in a forum lol
And what do you do on this thread? Read your own comments and tell me what’s cringe and what’s not.
We’re actually having a discussion about the dangers of RDF, and you’re just the popcorn booth throwing out random bait.
We won in LIFE AND in-game little Buddy, winning the forums is just a victory lap for us.
Just fly to the dungeon before you queue. This is just silly
In early phases it speeds up the process of capping rep, pre-raid bis and pre-reqs. There needs to be a time-filter for continued engagement early on.
With server health being an issue since phase 3 of classic19, we need time-filters to keep engagement high for the sake of server longevity for servers that aren’t quite large enough to be considered Mega-servers.
There is always content gaps and lulls in log-ins. If we speed up the process to incentivize raid-logging behavior, we may also create those drops in engagement early.
Don’t worry we have log-in queue times for that
No, it wouldn’t have.
important to YOU in an mmo, not so important to others. thats why you can make guilds, so you can team up with like minded folks to play with so you dont have to use randoms who may not share your view.
It’s important to the classic community, we signed up to play an old school MMO… don’t like what old school MMOs did? Play retail or a different game.
Good, ruin it, because I dont find it to be a good experience and many others dont either. Not to mention 2 people will go there and summon the rest just like with raids.
You know that argument for no flying where “youll see guilds running across the zones on their ground mounts” didnt actually happen and 2 people went there to just summon everyone else like they have ever since summoning stones have been in place. How about you get rid of those as well. No RDF, no summoning stones, no warlock summoning portal if you think travel time is “content”.
That’s fair.
I’m at 401 minutes estimated time. Wrath Hype!
yeah i think the current LFG system works even better than i thought it was going to. I do not want to be magically ported to a dungeon. I want to see who the lazy people are and who is ready to get the show on the road.
but isnt that why we have all these calendar events to help server health and longevity? and according to most of the ANTI rdf folks ive spoken with… all of us playing wrath who didnt play vanilla will be gone in a month or two anyway, how would it affect longevity?
i agree theres always content gaps and lulls but i always felt that rdf kept casuals LONGER than normal because it gave them the feeling progress because they just plain dont have the time to grind like most do.
but i very much appreciate you letting me know youre reasons. very well spoken and actual reasons instead of mis information talking points. mad respect to you.
This isnt real life and it doesnt preserve immersion. The immersion viewpoint was already tested and it failed miserably. Summoning stones kill immersion and a sense of a shared world so do you think we should get rid of those? Force everyone onto flight paths and flying mounts? For what exactly? Wasting peoples time traveling?
RDF didn’t ruin social interactions, the people who hate RDF did. Stop being a hate group if you want good social interactions in your MMO. It’s all about money money money, you want to create a class of people who can’t access parts of the game so you can sell it back to them. If you want social interactions, make them. When you spend all your time crapping on people who don’t want to play with you or play your way, you are only isolating yourself and taking your own time away from your own social experiences you treasure so much.
that toxic attitude is why LFG is full of garbage and the tool is a mess.
spotted the lazy one.
And honestly, I feel like RDF makes people run dungeons more. After Phase 1 TBC I rarely stepped foot in a dungeon. The RDF ease of use, quality of life improvement, and bonus incentives (badges, loot bags, gold, etc.) make people run more dungeons. We essentially have a toned down RDF already, they just make you press the invite button yourself and fly to the dungeon. They’re even going to give a chance at mounts for tanks and healers with the current lfg tool, so there’s the similar incentive. IDK why going the extra step is so scary for some people.