Better hurry and report it. Blizzard will see that they edited their post.
I need to get back to my Utgarde Keep solo spam on my prot warr, when I come back I expect to see ALL of your pro-RDF messages deleted off of MY thread.
No, and how anti-social of you.
When? You gonna get us to look it up then deny our ability to find a fake post?
Technically you’ve been one man army posting throughout this thread with bunch of alts copy pasta pretending that they are another person.
So tell me, what’s your real main? Because you surely can’t be some lvl 10 joeschmoe with the looks from the guy in Stranger Things and tell me that’s your main. Or are you scared?
4900 posts of spam why you say RDF is awful but has 0 statistic sources and information, and keep gaslighting with strawman arguments calling it fact and reality that LFG is better than RDF.
Take the time machine and live in the 2005-2007 days, buddy.
LMAO. I think you killed him dude.
I don’t get paid to educate the uneducated.
Fasle, I have ZERO alts on this thread. More lies.
Why would I expose my main? To get doxxed by the pro-RDF thugs and bullies who have been nothing but toxic this whole thread?
Or you can take yourself back to Retail where you belong.
Good think we killed RDF first, it will NEVER come back. Keep whining.
Only casual boomers don’t want rdf. If you don’t want to use it, don’t. Nobody is forcing you to use it.
Guess a MAJORITY of the Community are casual boomers as NO ONE wants RDF.
If Rdf-Daggerspine spent half as much time actually playing classic (we already know he doesn’t) as he does trolling the forums, he’d be world first 80 right now.
You probably don’t get paid at all or else someone would get charged for child labor.
Imagine arguing against RFD while solo’ing a dungeon. Good community you got there bud
If you don’t want to use RDF then… don’t? Not that hard. IDK why people think it’s game-breaking when it’s a fairly common quality of life feature in a lot of games. I don’t want to have to use an addon that tracks LFG spam of people not looking for my role.
Well he’s an absolutely huge troll, so… yeah. I doubt he’s even doing that though, I highly doubt he plays classic at all.
I def. make more than you.
What does ME solo’ing have to do with RDF?
That’s not how it works, first you people want RDF then you want LFR and WoW tOKENS.
I just checked your parses and they are laughable, how much gold did you pay to get carried?
Once again, child labor, discrimination, and negative assumptions.
It’s not really a negative assumption, most of your posts are replying to me hoping I validate you. It’s an educated Truth I make more than you.
He tried to make a utgarde keep group but nobody wants to run with him so he’s “solo’ing” it while staring at forums
Solo’ing is more XP if you have the gear, I specifically ran BT and SWP before Wrath launch to stack Avoidance gear.
Already Lv 73 on the main, will be 80 in a couple days.
You do realize you can do a dungeon without going through the RDF system right?