Rdf’s Logic:
Rdf: “Hey. you can’t even beat my DPS. Since this is LFG system, I can kick you out because your DPS sucks.”
also Rdf: “Hey, I just don’t like you. I am gonna kick you out so I can let my friends in. What a great system LFG is, since I get my own freedom to do whatever I want, and choose to change loot to Master Loot so I can give it all for myself.”
while Rdf in RDF system: “this sucks. I have to forcefully vote someone to be kicked out and I legit have to roll for it. I don’t like how this run is going so slow. I refuse to leave the party for punishment cooldown.”
You cannot disagree with Reality, we’ve seen the effects it has on Retail.
And yet MANY posts are complaining about it, funny how that works.
It seems that way because YOU are trying to RUIN Classic by turning it INTO Retail.
They ALWAYS hate the savior.
Remember, they hated Jesus too.
And THIS is how Classic dies, we listen to washed up gamer dads who want LFR/WoW Tokens/Legalized RMT.
You don’t care about Classic, you don’t care about US, you only care about YOURSELF.
If RDF is what will keep you in this game I hope they NEVER bring it back for the sake of this game’s future.
You CANNOT buy gold in Classic, it is illegal.
Sorry but YOU are the minority, anti-RDF already WON.
It is NOT coming back, either you accept that or you can go back to Retail where both YOU and RDF belong.
And there is it folks, this person is not capable of human social interactions. These are the types that want RDF.
This game is NOT an excel sheet, go learn to talk to others before playing an MMO designed around Community.
Hey, one great thing about RDF is you don’t have to participate in it.
On the opposite side of the coin you don’t even get groups for hours as servers die. You get gear checked and people are being blocked from joining groups if they dont have full t6 right now.
RDF > no rdf. Its proven.
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OP spends more time fighting a fight that doesn’t exist than actually playing the game.
RDF isn’t coming, this battle doesn’t exist.
Why are you still responding? Play the game.
As long as these pro-RDF trolls exist in OUR game, they will ALWAYS be a threat to our Future.
I guarantee you it comes back. Its good for the game. RDF. Is. Good. For. The. Game. Period.
Massive copium right there, it is NOT coming back. Keep dreaming.
What? Everyone who pays for this game is part of it. Are you telling people this isn’t the game to play? Why do you gatekeep? Troll af.
Funny, you have been doing that this entire time.
And there what it? Im having human social interactions right now. In socially interacting with you arent I? Its just none of your business how I am today or how my life is going.
It actually is. There are many things that you need to hit in order to not be a detriment to your group.
You are a part of the MINORITY, NOT the MAJORITY.
So you support my argument then, thank you.
Blizzard is a dumpster fire of a company, the greatest threat isn’t so much the community as it is the need for blizzard to try to turn every product they produce into a pseudo-mobile game.
They will find a way to screw this up like they do everything else. There is no hope.
Nah, the casual player is the majority. The player who doesnt have 10 hours to play a day is the majority.
They have a say to. RDF is what they/we want. We will keep asking for it. It will come. I have faith.
No one needs to be bullied by anti-rdf gatekeepers like you telling others not to play the game. Go troll elsewhere.
Dude, you are out of your mind. In retail, it is personal loot. There is NO ninja looting. It literally can’t happen.
Please show me these MANY posts about people complaining about ninja looting in retail. Please I will wait.
You are a clown (not the funny type, the pathetic type).
And you will be banned for Spamming. You were told NO, stop repeating the same thing and accept it.
Not at all. This game is a spread sheet if you dont want to waste peoples time.
Not to mention this little hiccup that you are running into that you dont even have to go into a dungeon to socially interact with your server. So why do you even need LFG to ask people how their day was? Im in a dungeon to do a dungeon. Good performance will have people wanting to do stuff with you more than how you have been acting in this entire thread. I bet 99.9% of this thread would never want to group up with you.
Oh, name calling. Funny, ironic post.
Stop gatekeeping and telling people to quit maybe?
RDF will come. When it does, you will still be here playing either way. Grow up.
Where are you getting that opinion from? Can you show us the data?
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