As a Community, we do not want RDF

He claims he

On a character on a fresh server I’ve never stepped into a raid on


Moron alert

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And you do realize in Retail RDF killed the Community right? Let’s not repeat that here.

Lol you say that like it’s impressive? Though I guess the forums posting is curbing ur xp/hour significantly.

You think we’ll believe you at all? 100% of everyone on this discussion will agree that you’ve never told the truth once.

LOL. He still going on about how hard wrath was for him? LOL.

Doesn’t take more than a minute of my time to debunk pro-RDF people’s weak arguments.

That’s a massive stretch when a MAJORITY of them consider me a Leader Figure of sorts.

You’ve never been considered a leader in the history of your existence. And you have no idea what “Majority” means.

Now whose the liar?? Both of those statements are false.

I’m sorry Calph, I like you but I’m going to have to strongly disagree with you.

I consider him a leader in severe stupidity.


Flagged for harassment.

Oh yeah. I forgot about that. He’s been a leader a lot then.

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What are you debunking lol. You act like this is an episode of Mythbusters. It’s just some sperg crying about not wanting something that we… already don’t have.

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Amen to that!

Funny how your alt account Miasma constantly likes your posts, kinda funny how you’re alt hopping but accusing others of it.

You just described every pro-RDF poster on the forums.

Likewise for claiming you looked up “parses” that don’t exist on a character that never raided while attempting to call me trash, you absolute idiot :joy:


You do realize people can see your mains right? Imagine thinking you can hide behind an alt.

These posts are pretty funny. I like humorous things. You haven’t posted a single intentionally humorous statement.

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I know you’re just an extremely horrible, idiotic troll, but I’ll indulge you and your single digit brain cell count.

This is my main, the only characters that exist on this account are exclusively on the Maladath server, that’s a fresh server btw (spelling it out for you because I know your smooth brain can’t handle too much information at once), and none of my characters have raided on this account.


I say the same thing when you accuse others of being my alt, but apparently it doesn’t apply to you but does for me huh. That guy is 100% your alt.

Imagine lying about something so basic and then getting toxic, you can clearly see your other mains. You are a Gray Parse andy, that’s why you want RDF so you can get free carries since no one in their right mind would take you in for a raid unless you paid for it.

Aight imma head out. Have fun in utgarde with your community (except you don’t care about community, just parses and trash xp/hour lol). GL with your ambitious goal of hitting 80 “in a couple days”.

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