As a Community, we do not want RDF

The worst part about this, is that you are ok with people being set up for failure. And this cause people to be less social, and people will want to be more in the GDKP run and buy gold, and even be worse off after the fact!

Oh right, that’s what you want at the end of the day since you do GDKP. You probably sell gold too. That’s why you don’t like that I’m calling you out on what you are.

I’m a lone wolf out here. Idk anyone!

It has nothing to do with repeating yourself. No one is asking you to repeat yourself. I’m asking you to follow the implications of your logic, which you’ve obviously not done, as if you would, you’d see the error and fallacy in it.

That’s not a reason for nonconstructive replies. If you’re not interested in having a discussion, we can stop here.

Yes, you are, by continuing to bring it up in a conversation about CLASSIC. I asked you would they continue making the game if they dropped the sub fee, you told me they would if there was a cash shop. What are you not following here?

The difference is Rdf talks about retail to make a point, where it seems all your points are based entirely in retail. It’s irrelevant and derailment to the conversation.

The question is not vague nor was it about Blizzard’s “overall” model. It’s about their CLASSIC model, because, as I’ve said a few times now, this is the CLASSIC section Kelliste. I’m not sure what you are misunderstanding here.

Again, why are you talking about retail in the CLASSIC section though? All discussions should be about CLASSIC here.

I did, in the CLASSIC section.

  1. Citation needed. How do you know? Don’t they have to sustain RETAIL off the retail cash shop? Or are you asking for everyone to take further pay cuts? How many pay cuts, until they’re working for free?

You see how this doesn’t work at all?

I quoted it above. You said this is “going well for your position” but clearly, it isn’t, as your position is in favor of RDF which isn’t in the game, is it?

So, you don’t know what an idiom is?

And the reason you still can’t quote me bringing up retail is because I never have.

You should really keep up with the latest news before trying to discuss it.

And I’m not saying you are either. Please, read what I’m actually saying.

I’ll quote it again for you:

No where in that blurb did I say you were guessing. I find it simply amusing you say “I need to guess what others are saying” when I use a very popular IDIOM, while you fully admit here you have no idea what I’m saying, because you aren’t comprehending the conversation well.

You replying to me shows otherwise.

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No you can’t, Classic relies on LFG/Tool for all it’s grouping and it’s designed that for years now because it helps people with social interactions and gives servers a sense of Community.

RDF is the opposite of what the Devs want to go for.

So you’re telling me for the past 4 years LFG wasn’t a problem but somehow it’s a problem now? People were ALWAYS able to find groups. Not sure why there’s such a big stink made about it now.

There are still social interactions in RDF, no doubt, but they are mostly negative when they do exist and that is a fact. Every one knows why it is bad, but addicts will push for a quicker fix if they know one could exist so they make arguments that skirt around the fact that rdf creates dopamine fiends because convivence of substance leads to tolerance of it which in turn makes people sociopathic. They continue to chase a feeling that gets harder to catch because they are over saturated. The pro RDF crowd doesn’t want to admit that its about brain chemicals. When people start chasing dopamine any one that is in their way, that delays their gratification even a moment, is lashed out at. RDF allows people to become more anonymous as they become more addicted. In the future people will study the dopamine feedback loops and call our abuse of it today the sociopathic cigarette.

Delayed gratification is really important, but so many are so used to instant and meaningless gratification that they dont even realize what its done to them.

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Actually, I can say that I couldn’t get a group just to run heroics for the most part for just being a rogue. That is an issue.

Then start your own group, where’s the issue here?

I did. Please read if you are confused, and you AGAIN failed to provide any proof. Maybe because you know you don’t have any.

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Yes it does. I dont like saying what I just said time and time again.

Then stop because you havent been having a conversation in the first place. You have been trying to craft an argument for me for you to attack. So you can just stop now.

Nope. I wasnt, again I know what I was talking about better than you unless you are crafting an argument for me in which you are just talking to yourself.

You can absolutely get your own group together and queue for a dungeon using the RDF tool.

with how the current player base plays, they want people that can AoE on trash. That’s the issue. No one wants to group up with a single target DPS because of that. And to top it off, people don’t want to “waste time”, in other words, take longer than they should to clear a dungeon/heroic or a raid for that matter.

BuT mUh SoCiAl AsPeCt


That’s not the point though, what’s wrong with LFG tool/chat so much that you want to radically change it into RDF? We never needed it for so many years, we don’t need it now.

Let’s be fair here, Combat Rogue is S tier across EVERY raid tier and Fan of Knives is a majorly good AoE move that will help you speed clear through even Heroic+.

You should have zero issue forming your own group, and yes the playerbase now is meta minded but when was it not? It’s been this way since 2019.

Really? You know I was talking about him lying through his teeth about posting a Graph? Because you CAN SEE HIS POST HISTORY? Seriously just stop at this point. You’re an even worse troll than he is.

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Shanxi can vouch for me, they saw the graph as did MANY others.

To make money off boosts

Then what is? That you arent meeting new people? Then make it so you cant group up with guildies or your current friends.

Its also called Quality of Life and not having my time wasted. I can queue and go do whatever else I want while I wait. If I remember correctly it was taking people an hour or more to find groups in Wrath. Thats why it was implemented so people could actually play it.

I don’t either, but I will since it seems to escape you. Here it is again:

This isn’t about repeating, Kelliste. It’s about me following your logic to it’s logical conclusions, which leads us to the destination that you are saying the Blizzard team makes Classic for free, since, as you claimed, our sub fees do not go towards making the game.

This has nothing to do with “repeating” or whatever other deflection you’re trying to bring up. This is what you said by virtue of YOUR logic. That’s your idea. If you’d like to retract it, I’d encourage that, just let me know and we can move on from it.

Yes, I have. You’re the one that’s openly admitted to neither reading nor comprehending my argument. I showed you proper respect and actually was interested in a good faith discussion about the topic.

No, I’m attacking the argument YOU made with YOUR logic. That is YOUR argument. If you’d like to retract it, I’d find that to be appropriate, since it certainly seems indefensible.

Yes, you were.

You may not have intended to, but that’s a communicative issue on your end. When people are talking about the design of CLASSIC, it would be best to not talk about the cash shop as if it’s a thing, because currently, it doesn’t exist in Classic.

I appreciate you conceding and retracting the other points.

I’m still going to have that issue till 80 at the end of the day, so I’m restricted to just questing while other get to do dungeons. I’m now put at a disadvantage from a gearing standpoint oh look more gatekeeping!

Yes it is, see how im having to repeat myself about repeating myself?

No, you really havent.

No, you literally arent.

Whats my argument then? Hmm? Ill tell you if you got it right or not.