As a Community, we do not want RDF

Why are you replying this to me?

Nope. I dont like repeating myself. And im just going to report this as trolling at this point because thats all it is.

I also encourage anyone and everyone to read the conversation.

Because im stubborn and annoyed at the first sentence that you keep saying like a broken record.

I didnt say there was. Do you not know how to follow a conversation like you accused me of?

Was in response to you saying you had to guess, but if there is no cash shop in classic which everyone knows, then you dont actually have to guess what I was talking about now do you? Its clearly retail.

Not talking about classic when it comes to this part of the conversation because again you asked a vague overarching business question if Blizzard should or could remove the sub. And they could because here is something that you are missing. This subscription isnt just for classic, you dont have a sub to retail or classic but both of them and they could sustain classic off of the retail cash shop.

So what? I cant talk about retail but rdf can? You asked a vague question about blizzards overall model. Subs are for both classic and retail, they arent separate so I included retail as well.

What are you even relying to?

Its not an idiom, you were just caught red handed.

Already addressed it.

Where? Because I bet that you didnt understand what was being said if this thread is any indication of your understanding of things.

Im not guessing what other people are saying. Again another great example of you not understanding basic english. I said your arguments are bleeding together because the context is lost. It should show you that I dont really care what you say because its just an annoyance at this point.

WHAT SOCIAL INTERACTIONS? FFS answer that question first.

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Did you not read my post at all?

If you need a break from this thread because your mental capacity can’t handle this many responses you should def. take one because it kinda looks like you’re burning out hard here.

Nope. So answer the question.

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To be fair there’s no need, it’s mostly the repeated ramblings of a madman.

Nah I don’t think I want to deal with someone who doesn’t read posts. You had so much confidence, watching you crumble like this is very satisfying :slight_smile:

Its not hard to give a definition to what they mean by social interaction. Is it talking to people, is it just playing with others because thats social interaction as well, is it just chatting in lfg chat? Trade chat? General Chat? Those are all social interactions.

Here you go:

Time for another ban I see. Im sure others will see and report so this thread can die at this point.

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Aww is someone burned out and tired from responding so much? You need a little break? Seems like you’re all out of steam there bud.

Nah, it’ll be more toxicity and less social interactions at the end of the day. This also bring in “participation trophies”, which is even worse.

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No, it just shows how young you are. Once you start calling people names, then whatever you say really doesnt hold much weight.

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RDF is the literal definition of a participation trophy.

It’s ok kiddo, one day someone will care.

Edited your post in the hopes of not getting banned knowing you did wrong huh? Cant stand behind your actions?

The great thing is I dont care if anyone else does care. Frees up a lot of stress when you dont care what other people think about you.

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That’s far less from the truth, you are getting loot from a raid tier instead of the heroics gear. You are essentially erasing a difficulty with no effort to jump into the next difficulty. You then complain because you weren’t put in a failing scenario and rage about it.

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It’s cute you’re 50 posts in and all you’ve done is keep my post at the top, come on kiddo 50 more. Don’t burn out now :slight_smile:

The difference is that I would rather choose my teammates for Heroic+ than be forced into it via RDF.

I def do. Please.

Nah you don’t, you’re the minority if you want RDF. MAJORITY of people don’t want it.

Doesnt actually help you though. I dont know why you would want people see the way you act.

You still can with the RDF, again the system is there to put you in a random dungeon, you can still create your own group if you prefer. Thats usually what guilds do for quick queue times. Learn how to use the system before you criticize it.