As a Community, we do not want RDF

Speak for yourself I personally hate LFG and would love RDF to be back… the “community” is a make believe group of people in your mind that doesnt exist… PEOPLE WANT RDF PERIOD.


There are MORE people who do NOT want RDF than those who do, THAT is why the Devs removed it.

activision pushed for rdf so they could cater to impulse driven addicts. They flooded our game in wrath with myspace groupies that had no idea what the internet was outside of myspace. Myspace groupies wanted catered friends lists, and theme park games where content is fed to them instead of hunted down. This was what killed the game. The myspace groupies came and ate their force fed content, and then the moment the content got actually challenging they lost interest in the game, and their egos bruised, called it a bad expansion. It was too late for the game, the myspace groupies drove many of the actual gamers away from the game, and the myspace groupies were hard stuck on heroic lost city.

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after looking into these posts together I think they fall into the cyberbully stuff that the new tos is about. I could be wrong but im going to report them and let blizzard figure it out

The Social Contract doesn’t apply to the forums and no one ever bullied anyone, it’s actually hilarious the pro-RDF trolls play victim after they spent the entire thread bullying anti-RDF folks.

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All i said was that you don’t speak for me so change your stance of what you want. It seems you have 1000s of posts that disagree with you so I do in fact think that you are nothing but a troll especially since you post on a level 10 alt

There are also thousands that agree with me, but having selective bias just makes you believe one way and not the other. Btw, you can believe whatever you want but in reality the pro-RDF crowd is FAR larger and we control Classic. Us and Devs have decided RDF is not part of the game any longer, learn to respect that.

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I don’t think you understand the definition of majority. Also you need facts and statistics to back up that claim. Just stating it is false and makes you look ignorant.

Do you understand it?? Majority implies we have power over Classic which we do, even the Devs are on our side. RDF is removed because a MAJORITY of the community wants it out, your pro-RDF movement is nothing but a bunch of Fake News as it amounted to nothing.

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You are not a dev so dont post like you are one. anyway I’m done with you so please stop tagging me. I dont wish to be contacted again by you

No but I do represent the majority of players who are anti-RDF.

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we cant get all the people that dont want RDF to fill out a survey because they are too busy playing the game, they dont even realize this is a debate because they were told already that we wouldnt have this in the game. Every one that is for putting RDF in the game is here harassing the OP for speaking for us while the silent majority do all the dungeons and raids they could ever want.

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Power over classic. Tsk tsk. Ego will get you nowhere without facts

If I had to pick a QoL feature that’s between RDF and Heroic+, I’d choose RDF over Heroic+ every time.

It depends on what you mean by anti-social. You havent been clear, and who said I didnt enjoy classic? I didnt openly admit to any of that.

I like Wrath, thats why im playing it. But your argument against RDF is shallow and doesnt actually do the thing you think it does which is apparent.

You do realize your tossing shade at people for having a discussion on a forum right?

Are you under my umbrella? I am protecting you from the sun.

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No, you don’t like someone following your logic to its conclusions. Sorry Kelliste, but people are going to look at your logic and think through it, even if you don’t yourself.

If you aren’t reading what I’m saying nor do you want to, why are you replying to me at all? Something isn’t adding up.

There’s no cash shop in Classic Kelliste. I’m not sure what version of Classic you’re talking about, but the Blizzard servers do not have one.

We’re in the Classic section Kelliste. Do… do you know that means that all conversations here are about Classic? It’s Wrath of the Lich King CLASSIC discussion.

No, it really isn’t, which is why RDF is not in the game yet, and not planned to be either.

“Let me guess” are you not familiar with this idiom? It’s used to facetiously point out what’s about to happen.

The reason you can’t quote where I brought up anything about retail is because I never did, that’s what you’ve done. You brought up retail and are continuing to derail with it.

They’ve admitted that the game is REMADE. They’ve had to specifically remake certain features and develop them. Arena is one. LFG is another. The list goes on and on. You should educate yourself on this topic because you are absolutely just factually wrong here.

Didn’t you just tell me you “didn’t have to guess what other people are saying”? Are you unable to keep up? Why are you disagreeing without knowing what I’m even talking about? That’s pretty contrarian but you accuse everyone else of being a troll.

So then they’re developing and remaking too, which further proves you’re wrong about nothing having to be developed. Thanks for dismantling your own argument here, again.

I do know what a joke is, yours wasn’t one because jokes are funny Kellestine.

You were the original one to bring up Bobby. You did so here:

Please, it really isn’t difficult to keep up with YOUR OWN arguments.

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Here’s a fun fact, go log in and tell me if you see RDF or not :slight_smile:

Wrong, Heroic+ is infinitely less damaging to Classic than RDF.

It seems that way to you because you keep dismissing social interactions.

I join a group as a tank and I greet everybody, I ask them how their day is and we talk about their lives and if they say something interesting it’ll lead to more conversations.

Someone else in this thread found their girlfriend through LFG when they found a guild, someone else found their best friends through it.

LFG Chat is what allowed us for years to communicate amongst each other in Classic and the tool itself needs time to be fine tuned.

I and MANY others are in the camp of not changing something that doesn’t need to be changed, there really is zero benefit to RDF aside from speeding up your dungeons when it’s not about the speed but about the relationships you build along the way.

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it appears the op keeps switching between 3 characters to keep bumping their own thread. im surprised this thread isnt locked lol