As a Community, we do not want RDF

No, because it started with “so what your saying is”. You know that thing that I explained in my previous post to you where I said I didnt read it because it said “so what your saying is”.

No, you dont.

That was about patches. And I explained where that cost would come from.

Nope, I didnt.

I didnt say there was a box price for classic. I said there was a box price years ago. Wrath classic wasnt years ago was it? In fact we arent even fully in it.

Oh, I do. The game was already made, thats why they allow you to play it without any of its own cost. So if there is a cost to it, its being leeched from retail.

And your argument doesnt prove that its going into it. Again Wrath was making 2.16 billion per year roughly. It sure as hell didnt go back into the game. And it sure as hell didnt go into Cata. These arent billion dollar games. Even if they were million dollar games which they dont actually compare to, there are billions going elsewhere. You could make an argument that like… 0.001% of the monthly sub goes to game development.

The box price alone if it was at lower end of 40 dollars would be 480m dollars, more than enough to future patches and the next expansion.

Right, and you don’t like that because you don’t like being confronted with the implications of your weak and problematic logic.

Yes, I do. It’s absurd and silly, which you’ve proven to me yourself by destroying your own argument.

Yes, you did. That’s why you talked about adding a cash shop into Classic if the sub fee were removed. It’s because you know Blizzard needs some sort of revenue in order to make the game. Because, reads notes that’s how businesses work, Kelliste. If sub fees don’t cover it, something else will have to, which is why you said “Wait, CASH SHOP!!!” It absolutely is a goal post shift, both obvious and desperate.

If you’re not talking about Classic, why are you in the Classic forums?

It’s been REMADE. That’s the difference you have continuted to fail to understand.

I never made the claim it was. I asked you for a citation of YOUR claim and you can’t give it to me. That’s because you made it up completely and have no evidence or facts for it. Just your wild conspiracy.

Are you one of Rdf’s alts?

Nope, I’ve disagreed with him even at times. Whose alt are you?

Oh no problem then, it’s just that dude uses multiple alts and admitted it earlier in the thread.

Oh really? Where did he admit that?

bruh one of this alts, Lemonfront, called him handsome, they both type the same, and I’m pretty sure Lemonfront said they were 13 lmao. I’m not gonna scroll to a 3k thread to find it but I know what I read :woman_shrugging:

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False, EVERYONE knows Wrath is one of the hardest xpacs to release.

And that’s why there is Heroic+.

If you fail to interact beyond that, then you are truly antisocial.

And do you really think i’d go find the graph I posted MULTIPLE times on this thread? You can go do the research.

RDF led to the downfall of WoW.

No, I dont like something starting with “so what your saying is” because I dont like repeating myself. Its fine if you dont understand something, it means you have room to grow.

No, you dont. I dont even know what you are saying yes you do to at this point because you have had such bad arguments they are blurring together. But no… you dont.

I never talked about adding a cash shop to classic. Again I dont know what you are reading, but its not my posts.

You brought up the topic?

No, it hasnt. You do know there are private servers that are running these old expansions to the best of their abilities right? Thats where they get the stuff from. They did it with Vanilla. They worked with a private server that had everything.

You mean a joke based on Bobby getting payouts? Seriously?.. the only thing I can think of saying to this request is… what?

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No, you don’t like having your logic extrapolated into areas you failed to think about before sharing it. The solution to that is to think about things before posting them.

If you can’t keep up, that’s on you. Learn to read.

Let me guess, you were talking about retail again, on the Classic forums? There’s a reason this isn’t worknig for you Kelliste.

Please quote where I brought up anything about retail. I’ll wait.

Yes, it has. They’ve literally admitted to this. But you know better than them, right?

And none of them are accurate, which they’ve OPENLY admitted. More proof that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Oh, now it’s a joke. Nice back pedal. Now that you’ve been proven wrong multiple times, all of the sudden, it’s become a “I was just joking bro!”

Well, you failed the number one rule of a joke: they’re supposed to be funny.

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No… its just I dont like repeating myself. I think I know myself better than some nobody on the forums. Quit with this argument or i just going to start reporting you for trolling because thats where its at now.

Then make me want to read what you say. Get better writing. Dont start stuff with “so what your saying is”.

No. I dont think I will. I also dont think you have to guess when it says they have the cash shop now.

And yes, talking about retail on the classic forum because you asked a vague question if they could just stop having a subscription fee and I answered the question.

No, no… its working quite well. Im not the one guessing about what someone else is saying.

Like I said it was a vague question. It didnt say anything about classic but their business model. Rather not scroll up and relive the annoyance of your poor arguments.

To what? Again your arguments are bleeding together so im just going to say, no it hasnt again until you add more context.

Never said they were, doesnt mean they cant use what they had now does it.

No, it was always a joke. Sorry that you dont know a joke when you see it but your lack of a sense of humor isnt my problem either.

And Proved me wrong on what? You were talking to someone else about the “it went to bobby” thing bro.


Not really, you openly admitted to being anti social and someone who doesn’t enjoy Classic.

Such a great experience, no RDF. On a full realm with 15k concurrent users, I’ve now been in LFG for almost 2 hours to find a group for either BFD or SFK, there’s hardly anyone else in LFG for those 2 dungeons at 1 AM. This will only get worse when WOTLK launches and much worse for those on smaller realms. But hey, “muh socialisation” is so much more important than people actually being able to play the damn game. At least PvP is playable now with remote queue while levelling.

Considering they said in the recent dev talks about how they are further from “Never RDF” than they use to be and how some of the devs want RDF and its an ongoing discussion for them. I have a feeling in a few months that will turn into a maybe RDF and by early next year probably a “yeah, RDF incoming” and then this RDF here will finally leave us all alone.

Ye, the dev that said that they wouldn’t implement it on launch because of x reasons kinda insinuated that it was coming later.

First of all 1 AM is a slow time on ANY server, and have you tried forming your own group? It’s a lot easier than waiting on people.

Wrong they never said this. This is pure Copium.

Listen if they came out tomorrow and said we’ll get RDF in phase 2 I’ll shut up and never talk about it again.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if they launch it with heroic +… because heroic + will invalidate RDF for endgame (level 80) content.

actually myself and all my guild members WANT it…not sure what majority you are speaking of but pretty sure its a very small vocal minority.

It’s the SAME Majority that got RDF REMOVED.

You and guild would be the minority here.