As a Community, we do not want RDF

Can you link them or do they not really exist?

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So you have no actual proof? Got it.

If I have to do your homework for ya then you are just trolling on a lvl 11 hunter …
(Takes literally seconds in google, duckduckgo and other search engines…)

This isn’t a link. My question again:

Can you link them or do they NOT really exist?

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Embattled Activision-Blizzard CEO to get $390M payout in Microsoft deal Jan 19, 2022…

literally took me a couple seconds …

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I need to go run a Kara GDKP, but when I get back I expect ALL the pro-RDF trolls to delete your messages and APOLOGIZE to me for wasting MY time.

Haven’t you been doing literally nothing but telling people to do their own research this entire thread?

Do your own research.


I’ve provided ALL my sources, it’s not MY fault you refuse to find them.

Nah you provided trolling and rantings on a lvl 10 warrior character

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Still not a link. The reason you can’t link any “article” that backs up your claim is because they don’t exist. That’s because your claim is false and made up.

No, you’re just making things up.

Heroics in Wrath are going to be nothing but a naked gnome slap. Because Heroics in Wrath were that much of a faceroll, you could almost solo them. yeah, I said almost, people just rather group up and slap everything down than spend the time fighting everything themselves. I was there when it was current, I know how much of a faceroll Wrath content is.


No, I didnt read the rest of that sentence because it started with “so what your saying is”. That means you dont know what im saying. Other people know full well what I was saying so not understanding it is completely on you.

Did I say they were free to make? Who said they were free to make? Does anyone else see where I said they were free to make? No I said they were free. They arent paid DLC or anything. If they make enough off of the box price they can very well provide patches for no additional cost which they did.

No. We arent, you didnt say “if everything stays the same” you just asked if they could do away with the subscription. I answered it and you didnt like the answer.

There was a box price years ago. The development was already done, they dont need to do it again and charge again for its development. You get access to classic just from having game time for retail. There isnt a lot of money going towards classic, at all. Its just server costs really.

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Type in Blizz ceo gets millions in pay out…

Literally, how are you that bad at a google search oh wait you are just trolling :wink:

Just a few examples of your hypocrisy. So,

Go do your own research.

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Because you don’t want to be confronted with your own logic? So you’re retracting it?

I know what you’re saying. It sounds to me like you don’t even know what you’re saying yourself.

That’s what logically follows from your statement that sub fees don’t contribute to them making the game. Did you… did you not even think about your claim at all? Or the reverberating effects of it?

No, you shifted goalposts because you realize that our $15 sub fee covers the production of the game and that Blizzard would not make the game without our $15 sub fee. What you’re saying is that they would make the game if the $15 sub fee IS REPLACED by a cash shop… which means you are admitting the $15 sub fee goes into making the game.

And you don’t even realize it. This is why the rest of your argument has failed to convince anyone, sorry to say.

There was never a box price for Classic. Try again.

So again, you have no idea how this works? They’ve literally had to rebuild certain features like arena.

This doesn’t prove that all profits go to the CEO and none get invested back into the game. You would need to prove that the payout the CEO gets is all the profits WoW made for that year, which you haven’t. Try again.

It does prove it…

2021 massive layoffs while CEO gets millions…
Massive layoffs = no one is working on the game because resources have been pulled from said game…

2022 Microsoft deal netted CEO upwards of 350 million that could have been sunk back into the game…

Ohh I don’t know better server infrastructure to help with que times and such hmmm

If what isnt broken? The tool? The chat? You need to have more context than just that.

0 - 11

I do, I ask for an invite and everything else is gameplay. You know the thing you do in a game.

There wasnt a downfall of Wrath. That was cata. And WoD, and WoD was the reason why they stopped publishing sub numbers.

And you do you really think I read through 3700 posts? You have got to be joking.

No its not, clear times prove its not. And number of parses? Are you trying to use that as a metric of how difficult something is? If retail was easy you would see more parses. But its really difficult and not that many people play mythic difficulty resulting in less parses.

Ohhh no they arent. Whats hard in them? Having to interrupt? Oooooo. Having to press jump every so often to drop stacks… ouch I dont know if I can hit the space bar, that hurts my spleen doing that its too difficult. Attacking the web? Thats too hard?

There were hardly any mechanics to these fights. Marrowgar had like… 1 that the group had to pay attention to. Unless you were a tank or hunter, then it was like… 2 mechanics. So difficult.

No it doesn’t. You would need to know how much WoW made in profits and how much of it went to Bobby. You haven’t done any of that.

Ok, but the original claim, that you agreed with, was this:

Which you’re not proving. All you’ve proven so far is that Bobby makes money, which, yeah, we all knew that.

You just proved my point…
You argued it did not happen and I proved it did…
Then you argued it did not affect the game but it has…

You keep moving the goal post and then subvert the argument but then your literally a lvl 11 troll…

That is expected

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It sounds like you have no idea what claim you made and what I’m asking you for. I’m asking you to prove that the profits WoW makes do not go back into the game and instead they all go to Bobby alone.

You have not proven that by citing Bobby’s 390M payout for the Microsoft deal. Try again.

No goal posts have been moved. I ask you for a citation that WoW’s profits go to Bobby alone and not into the game. You have failed to provide a source for anything other than Bobby receiving 390M in a payout.