As a Community, we do not want RDF

The thing is that SWP got over 1.6M million parses while the latest SLands raid got less than 160k. Only 5% of players could complete SWP pre-nerf.

I feel like if a SWP top 5 team went to Retail they could EASILY clear Mythic Raid content but Mythic Raiders from Retail would not be able to complete SWP pre-Nerf.

It’s just A LOT harder.

Retail is just waiting for DBM to yell at you and not standing in red circles.

SWP was difficult too. Very different type of difficulty from retail mythic raiding. I find it hard to compare.

But I agree SWP was rough. But it’s not RDF related…

You can with the RDF as well, just join up with the friends that you said you had.

See, or do you not actually have 4 other people to group up with? No one from your guild? You can absolutely pick and choose who you group with with the RDF. The random dungeon finder is there to find you a random dungeon. It also allows you to group up with random people if you choose to do so.

BAHAHA… oh… your serious?

No, it doesnt. HoR, one of the most hated dungeons in Wrath, was a cake walk and I tanked it every single time through RDF.

I didnt need anything but the emblems from the dungeon so I didnt care about the loot. Again once you get to a certain point heroics become pointless outside of emblems. Surely Mr. Wrath God should have known that. The gear never scaled up and stayed at max 200ilvl the entire expansion.

Blizzard posted charts that were false?

No its not. Once you are in Naxx gear heroics are pointless.

No it doesnt. Again you can make your own group and use the RDF as a tool to find you a random dungeon to do with your friends.

Do you actually have any argument that is of any real difficulty to address?

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So what you’re saying is that if everyone stopped paying the $15, Blizzard would still make the game, right? Because the $15 is only for the license to play the game? You really have no idea how any of this works, do you?

And what about WoW classic patches? You think those are free? You really have no idea how this works, d oyou?

But that’s not what were talking about Kelliste. See the mental gymnastics you’re jumping through? We’re talking about if everything stayed the same. That means there’s no cash shop in Classic. Your claim, logically, is that they would still continue to update and make Classic, even with ZERO subs, because sub fee isn’t for making the game. It’s completely and utterly absurd. You have no idea how businesses work, do you?

Yes really. They make the game and you pay them for it.

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This is the most stupid comment I have ever read. This is entirely incorrect. You know the difference between Wrath back when it was current and Wrath Classic? People are more knowledgeable. And there is far more information now than there was in the past. And the most difficult content actually ever released was from Cataclysm, especially Heroic Dungeons where they felt more like a 5 man raid than a dungeon.

Dungeon Finder does not make the content any easier, it just helps make grouping easier. There is a big difference.


LFG should be the ONLY method of finding groups, there should be NO other system. It has worked fine since the START of Classic, there is virtually NO REASON to change it now.

The Devs agree with US as well, the anti-RDF crowd already WON. No matter what you say, it is NOT coming back.

People in Classic care about Community interaction which you seem to not care about so that’s your loss, we will continue to maintain our systems.

The posted charts on this thread including your info is FALSE, they are all fanmade and NOT accurate.

Then explain how out of 1.6M parses less than 5% completed pre-Nerf SWP.

Even with ALL that knowledge a MAJORITY of players couldn’t do it. Explain that.

Im saying what I said, im not doing to drip feed you information because you have a hard time digesting what people say.

They are free.

No, we arent.

The box price yes. There is a reason why they call it “game time” and its to buy the license to play the game on a monthly basis.

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My opinion is that retail difficulty is so different from SWP difficulty that it is borderline impossible to compare. It feels like two different games that we are trying to compare.

I don’t think you have any idea on how it works. We don’t really know where that $15 goes towards. All we know is that $15 allows us to be granted a license for us to access the game and all its features. Blizzard doesn’t go into detail what that $15 really goes for. It could go for new content, it could go for paying Blizzard employees, it could also go for just paying the taxes of the company, we don’t really know. Why, because all we know is that $15 allows us to be granted a license for us to access game and all its features.


I agree but I was just looking at logs and parses to come up with my judgement.

What does Dungeon Finder have to do with a Raid Instance?



No, they really arent. They are looking for help to complete a task. If you want to hang out with someone get off the game and go get some coffee with someone.

My information that Blizzard published? You know that they used to publish the sub numbers until the 50% drop right? Blizzard did, they werent fan made because no one had access to that type of information, only Blizzard did.

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I am pointing out how difficult Classic is to Retail.

On Retail that same raid tier had far more completions than Classic.

And I’m saying what logically follows from what you said. What’s wrong, do you realize how ridiculous it is?

So, if no one was playing the game, Blizzard would still make them. Since they’re free to make, accoridng to you.

Yes, we are. If you want to talk about hypotheticals in fantasy land, you’re welcome to do that. I’m not interested in that though and it is a goalshift post away from our original conversation.

Kelliste, you’re on the Classic forums. There is no box price. You can go through as many mental gymnastics as you’d like, your $15 a month contributes to the game Kelliste, and we thank you for it.

Which is exactly what I’m saying. Can you please read before interjecting? You’ve done this multiple times now.

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Absolutely nothing.

Well, lets see, could it because there was far more people playing TBC back then than there is now?


Thats easy. To Bobby. Its not going back into the game. At its peak of 12m players at 15 dollars a month is an astronomical amount of money that wasnt put back into WoW. Thats 180m dollars per month, 2.16 Billion dollars per year. WoW didnt have that big of a cost associated with it. And it sure as hell wasnt going to the employees that were sleeping at the office.

Do you have a source for this or are you just making it up like everything else?

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If isn’t broke then there’s nothing to fix.

They actually are, you’re just incredibly anti social and play this game like an excel spreadsheet.

You’re playing with other humans, not bots. Learn to interact.

The information you said is not accurate at all, the numbers I’ve posted before on this thread are Blizzard verified and come from official shareholder figures as well.

RDF is 100% what caused the downfall of Wrath.

I was comparing SWP launch to Lost Ones or whatever that Retail raid’s launch, they came out only a month or two separate and we saw 1.6 MILLION parses compared to Retails 160k.

My point is saying Classic is harder than Retail, dungeons included is because despite having all that knowledge a lot of people still won’t be able to complete all the content.

Heroics in Wrath are going to be more challenging than Mythics.

Ya, it’s called reading news articles lol

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