As a Community, we do not want RDF

I dont pay them to make the game. You dont know how this interaction with Blizzard words do you? If I paid them to make the game for me, it would have RDF at some point in Wrath, probably around ToC or late Ulduar.

But we dont pay them to make the game, we pay them to be able to play the game.

I also dont care what the developer definition is, I dont agree with it either. They set a precedence and want to stray from that precedence for some loud people that cant answe some simple questions.

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I did share it on this thread, but I REFUSE to go and search a 3700 page post for someone as uneducated as you, especially someone who REFUSES to go and find the information ALREADY provided.

Please go do some research before debating an intellectual like myself so you can avoid getting embarassed.

Yet EVERYONE uses LFG to find dungeon groups, it is the life and blood of the Classic Community.

You might not, but your kind from Retail and pro-RDF crowd def. does.

You always want the easy way out hence why you want AFK RDF features so you can put even LESS effort into the game.

You were in diapers when I played Wrath, MILLIONS of people left Wrath back in the day due to RDF and it led to LFR and WoW Tokens.

It NEVER stops with you people, first you want RDF and then you’ll slowly turn this game into Retail.


Hmmm :thinking:

Considering you have posted only 800+ times in a thread that has 2800+ post, and you have 1000+ post which anyone can view and find nothing… And you’re calling me uneducated.

Yeah, alright. Nice troll attempt. Atleast there was an attempt.


There were MULTIPLE people who confirmed I posted it AND they saw it. Keep lying.

Who’s gatekeeping with opinions? Sorry I don’t think I understand your comment. English being my second language might be why…

Yes, you do. You pay $15 a month in subscription fees, yes?

Apparently you don’t. What do you think your $15 a month is for Kelliste?

So your claim is they make the game for free? Do you… do you know what a business is? So if everyone stopped paying their subs, they’d continue to make the game?

That’s great, their definition is the only one that matters though.

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The OP being one of them. I’m not saying you are, please forgive me if it came out sounding like that.

And what is stopping you from re-posting it? It isn’t within your post history, which means either you deleted the post or Blizzard removed the post. Claiming I am lying doesn’t mean I am lying when there is nothing there.

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Because that would be enabling your LAZY behavior, this is NOT the Retail forums. I need to teach you to do your research instead of receiving FREE handouts.

No problem. Just to clarify, I think people who are actually gatekeeping for the easiest and shortest content ever created are kind of ridiculous. I will personally invite whatever specs or class or whatever for 12 minutes dungeons…

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Are you seriously that much of a troll that is your argument… “Lazy, Retail Forums”, what the hell?

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That’s really saying a lot considering how much stupidity he spews.

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The LFG chat? No you dont need it at all. You can post your group in the tool, your can post yourself in the tool for what you want to do and not talk to a single person. So where exactly is your social interaction. Like I said if you want social interaction, something that you cant define, then get rid of the LFG tool and just have a global chat that anyone can join and go about it that way. I wouldnt say “80 prot paladin invite please” to a dungeon is “social interaction”.

You have no proof of that.

What easy easy way out. Wrath heroics arent hard. And if I was talking about soloing them then it seems like Im looking to make it harder because they are so easy and after you get your base stats to where you need them then youll be done with heroics outside of any dailies.

I didnt AFK with RDF. Again if you were lazy then its your fault.

You are scraping the bottom of the barrel here and you are about to run out of arguments. Less effort when I didnt AFK when queued for RDF? Sounds like I had more effort than you did. Soloing took more effort. Dealing with dps DK’s with frost presence on in a dungeon took more effort.

Really? Millions of people left when RDF was introduced? Thats why it stayed at 12m subs from before and after RDF was introduced? 1 million has 6 zeros, not 3. Thousands of people didnt make a dent in peoples enjoyment in the game.

Retail isnt using RDF because the content that the RDF gives access to is outdated and not needed. What do you not undrstand about that?

Excuse me? Sounds like projection to me. You clearly didnt play wrath. I was in my early 20’s when I played wrath. So far you are 0 for what 10 in assessing me.


Ah even more toxicity, if this is the type of hateful individual that RDF brings then they can keep it out for good.

I can pick WHO is in my group and who isn’t. THAT is social interaction, then I can talk to the players and have good interactions which is IMPOSSIBLE with RDF.

Wrath content is FAR more difficult than Retail, it requires an actual group to do it instead of RDF groups that are mostly filled with ninja looters and are other bad actors.

All of those numbers are FALSE, I posted Blizzard verified charts MANY times that MANY people on this thread have seen before. Educate yourself before spewing nonsense.

Exactly my point, dungeon gear is worth more over on Classic therefore we should have the choice of who we play with.

RDF removes our RIGHTS to play with who we want.

Yes, but thats not for them to make the game, thats for the license to play the game.

No. Again do you not know how the interaction works with Blizzard and customer? Blizzard creates expansion, customer buys expansion, expansion usually came with 1 month playtime for free, then you paid 15 dollars per month for a license to play the game further.

They could, they have the cash shop now. Thats how other games work. GW2 you buy the expansion and the rest is free and you have the shop for cosmetics and quality of life. They absolutely could do away with the subscription model.

Not really. Especially if they keep changing what the definition is. So ill go with the original definition.

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Well, this actually confirms it. He never actually played Wrath back in the days.


I have, and Wrath is FAR more difficult than ANY Retail PvE content.

Wrath has the easiest content ever… 100% agree there

I mean, retail heroic require absolutely 0 skills, but retail mythic+ Can get pretty insane.


:popcorn: this is hilarious. I know he’s a troll, but still… wrath having the hardest content lmao.


Yeah, I’m going to need to get way more popcorn.


You and I agree on many things, but not this one. Some retail content is downright insane difficult. I had 3 heart attacks on mythic denathrius.

Normal and heroic dungeons from retail (rdf related) are incredibly easy. Require absolutely zero skills or coordination. Not lying my 4 year old daughter did one completed without any difficulty lol