As a Community, we do not want RDF

Suuure you have. You know people can go through your Post History, right? Lying is a bad look, Mr. “Successful”.


So why haven’t you? Are you afraid of getting exposed?

I have. You are lying. Simple as.


RDF in retail is pointless. Cant RDF for mythics, mythic + and heroics is only there for what… oh yeah catch up.

You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about and if you are the pinnacle of what Blizzard listened to to keep RDF out then they listened to someone who has no clue what is going on or how the playerbase actually plays this game.

No, its not.

I dont buy gold. I also didnt sit in Dalaran waiting on a queue, thats a waste of game time when you can also be doing something else. Its not my fault you were lazy back in Wrath.

Why should anyone talk in a dungeon that they already know? Most people already know these dungeons. People were soloing them back in wrath. You could go into PoS as an Unholy DK and farm the battered hilt solo, or solo the entire dungeon.

I wont and dont have to talk during these dungeons even if I join a group YOUR way.

What social interactions?

Do you know why no one wants to queue for regular dungeons? Because they are regular dungeons and dont really provide much of anything worth value. Even heroics are just a means to catch up to get into mythics where you cant use the RDF.

Then get rid of the LFG tool, then anyone and everyone can post in the LFG chat without using the LFG tool. Because technically I cant not talk to anyone even with the LFG tool. Just go through sign up for the dungeons I want to target as a tank or healer get invited and leave when its done. You arent solving the problem you have with the removal of RDF, you just make a big portion of the playerbase not want to play.

And its not like you are even arguing the only point you really have “RDF wasnt in Wrath at launch” but saying that it shouldnt exist ever after the content is pointless is… well… pointless.


Good luck, Kelliste. You’re talking to a brick wall who is purposely trolling anyone who is Pro-RDF.


Oh I know. But im pretty stubborn. And they dont have an argument for being anti-RDF in the first place. So I dont know who exactly Blizzard listened to, but it wasnt anyone rational.


They never do beyond the brainless repeating of “it killed social interaction” BS that Blizzard handed them on a silver platter to use.


One of the many reasons yes, but that’s not what I’m talking about. What I’m talking about is the definition of CLASSIC IN GENERAL.

Please, keep up with the conversation.

It didnt kill social interaction. And I dont even think they know what they mean by social interaction. If its talking to others no one has to do that, and you cant force people to do that. People will want to group up with good players and you arent going to find that in heroics past probably week 2-3.

I dont care what your definition of classic is and I dont agree with your definition so stop harping on about it.


False, MANY have seen it. YOU are lying.

I made that comparison because LFG is what services 100% of our grouping needs in Classic, you NEVER see someone using LFG chat on Retail for NORMAL Dungeon groups because RDF replaced that need.

Classic REQUIRES people to queue through LFG chat in order to keep it alive, RDF KILLS it.

Most if not ALL the people who are pro-RDF have some sort of involvement in RMT and AFK’ing all day, there’s a reason why you want to be anti-social and take the lazy way out.

Sorry but you clearly belong on Retail where you can just RMT, boost your way through dungeons, never speak to anyone and be quiet all the time.

Classic is not the game for you it seems going off how poorly you interact with the Community and the various features.

LFG tool has worked for us for the past 4 years, and it will continue to work for the next 4 years as well.

It is no one’s fault but your own for being antisocial.

It’s not my definition. It’s the developers’ definition. You know, the people that you pay to make the game for you?

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I don’t feel wrong or right. It’s my opinion.

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Nobody has seen any actual evidence provided by you. In fact, everyone has even seen you calling reports actually reported by Blizzard being false and made up. All you have done is trolled and trolled, and done nothing but trolled.

Do the forums a favor. Get out of the basement and get some fresh air. Might do you better.


Wrong again, Bloomsday has seen it along with Lemonfont and MANY, MANY others.

Just because YOU lack the mental capacity to go look for the information does NOT mean I didn’t post it.

Btw, didn’t you say you ignored me? What happened to that?

You really need to get off the Forums and focus on all those lawsuits against you, Mr. Trump. You’re substituting your Alternate Reality/Facts for actual Reality again.

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Comparing me to the Greatest President of America is more of a compliment than anything else, also EVERYTHING i’ve said up to this point is the Literal Truth. I have not lied ONCE.

So why are you redunctant to share it here with the forums? You haven’t shared it publically with anyone? What, you actually saying that you are wrong and don’t want to admit it?

You claim you own a successful online business and own a few expensive cars. Only sort of person who I can think that would say that is a 12 year old. Otherwise, if that were true, you wouldn’t be acting like a 12 year old here on the forums.


And 90% of the playerbase doing pug dungeons use LFG.

Because you dont need it just like you technically dont need it with the LFG system in classic.

No you dont have to queue, and you dont queue, through LFG chat.

I dont care what conspiracy theory you want to spout. I dont buy gold. If I bought gold I wouldnt go on retail to farm gold to get a wow token to get gametime.

Depends on what you mean by anti-social. Group with others to complete a task? Sure. Make friends on a game that I cant go hang out with or do other things with outside of the game? No thanks.

So you dont actually have any argument? What happened to this hubris that you were shutting down arguments? You are just telling me to go play retail to buy gold from a gold farmer.

How do you know? I lived wrath, you clearly didnt. Go back to Vanilla if thats what you want to play, dont make wrath like it was because Vanilla was bad.

And it works in retail as well and retail has… what was it again… oh yeah RDF as well for content that doesnt matter.

Depends on what you mean by anti-social. Ive been waiting on an explanation for what you mean by social interaction and you dont have an answer.


I guess we all have a right to our opinion. Thinking that RDF has a more traditional/ old school/ classic feel as the LFG tool is an…. Interesting perspective.

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion. But here is the thing, is gatekeeping classed as an opinion or is gatekeeping trolling.