As a Community, we do not want RDF

You can keep your head buried where the sun doesn’t shine but anyone with a working brain knows that Casuals make up bare minimum 80% of the player base.

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Even the Casuals don’t want RDF considering a MAJORITY of them voted NO on all the polls/surveys Blizzard sent out.

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Sure they did. And you’re President of the United States. Keep huffing that Weapons Grade Copium, bud.

“Social interaction”? Its mean about as the reason why they tried to remove flying. Immersion? Yeah I was immersed going through it the first time, its nothing but an annoyance at max level to not be able to fly.

This “social interaction” is only going to last until the content is irrelevant which is a few weeks. I also wouldnt consider looking for a group social interaction. So interactive… lfg > gets invite > does dungeon > leaves. Thats what its going to amount to once people are in raids.

YOU CANT FORCE IT. You cant force people to interact anything further than grouping up, getting something done, and parting ways. What you want them to talk about their day? What are you expecting from people exactly in these social interaction scenarios?

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Who mentioned anything about social interaction? Are you having trouble reading? Here is what I said again:

#SOMECHANGES is the meaning of classic.

You would know about huffing Copium, you still whine about RDF even after you were told NO multiple times. Keep dreaming, only in your dreams will it come back.

This is the SAME THING AS RDF.


Why should I be FORCED to group with 4 randoms?? I want to select whose in my group, I do NOT want to sit there and just be given 4 trash players and be expected to carry them.

You’ve been crying for a week straight at anyone who wants RDF. You must be REALLY scared that Blizzard is planning on adding it. Not coping very well, are you?

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Correction: I’ve been reeducating this population from all the lies and misconceptions they’ve been told about RDF.

If anything nothing makes me happier than seeing you pro-RDF trolls squirm and whine all day long while I destroy your arguments.

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I dont know, the reason to keep RDF out is for social interaction?

It does? Under what capacity? Because you said you didnt want people to just group up and do what they are there for. So what do you want people to do in dungeons? Find friends? Im not there to find friends im there for gear or emblems.

You ARENT forced to group with 4 randoms. You can get 4 of your friends that you said you had in the original post and group with them use the RDF to find you a RANDOM DUNGEON like the name implies. Or do you just like flying to irrelevant content once you are in raiding content?

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Out of curiosity do you have a life outside of trolling the Forums? Considering you’re here pretty much 24/7 I’m gonna go with… no. But I do so enjoy your constant hilarious cringy whining at people who want RDF. It’s amusing.

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Then you go take yourself back to Retail where you belong.

The Social Aspect of Classic is what makes us unique and RDF is what is going to kill that, we don’t all need to be AFK Zombies like you buying gold and sitting in Dala alt-tabbed out while you get teleported around all day long to dungeons where no one talks.

Some of us actually LIKE social interactions.

I am absolutely forced to use it, look at Retail the LFG chat is all but dead when it reality NO ONE wants to queue for regular dungeons due to RDF existing.

LFG chat should be the ONLY method of finding groups.

I run a very successful online business and own some expensive cars, I love Classic and met a lot of my friends through here and I do NOT want to lose them and RUIN this game by letting people like you introduce RETAIL FEATURES into OUR game.

RDF isn’t Retail. RDF is Wrath. That your brain doesn’t seem to comprehend this makes me question how well school actually did for you, Mr. “Very Successful”.

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RDF is from RETAIL Wrath, CLASSIC Wrath is a SEPERATE game. We will NOT have RDF.

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I went to view the hidden post and did I read that right? Claiming on owning stuff and having something successful but trolls here on the forums 24/7?

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Sure we won’t, Mr. “Successful”. Keep huffing that copium.

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It still won’t be as much copium as you huff thinking RDF will EVER come back.

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Did you ever post that graph you kept lying about, Mr “Successful”?


How ironic you keep crying for proof but you don’t have ANY. The projection is strong with this one. Shoo, troll. This is sad.

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Mind actually knowing what is being talked about instead of jumping in to defend your fellow troll, Shanxi? Shoo, little troll.


I have posted it MANY times.

Even more toxicity from the pro-RDF crowd, typical Bully behavior.