As a Community, we do not want RDF

It might seem that way to the sore losers on the pro-RDF side as you lot have never won an argument in your lives so you don’t know what it feels like to win.

I just want to play a game with other people, I don’t want to kidnap them or indoctrinate them into a cult.

I didn’t say they were? This is about Heroic+ and Mythic0, I don’t know why you keep bringing Heroic and Mythic+ up

You, who hates retail, are telling someone, who does play retail, that they don’t know what they’re talking about, about retail


You can do that with the LFG tool as you’ve been doing for the past 4 years.

Both of which are completely different.

It’s called educating someone who has no clue what they’re talking about :slight_smile:

They have different names and Heroic+ gives raid gear instead of scaled dungeon gear. That’s where their differences stop

I genuinely feel sorry for any establishment that would employ you as a teacher, then

This thread is STILL going. Don’t you seriously ever get bored trolling and repeating the same stuff?

They serve two fundamentally different purposes, no one uses M0 for catch up.

It is part of the reeducation process, this Community needs to be cleansed of the lies it’s been told.

Yes they do

OHHHH I GET IT NOW, you insist so hard on this because the alternative is to imply that manual grouping isn’t dead in retail (since you can’t queue for mythics) which would go against your entire premise that RDF kills the game/the community/whatever other buzzword suits the narrative in the moment

Aaaah, clever. Or not, but, you know

You are retarded.

I feel so bad for laughing at this

You can’t find a REGULAR dungeon group in Retail LFG.

It absolutely killed LFG chat and now that chat is all RMT boosters which I’m sure you partake in as a Retail player.

Even more toxicity from the pro-RDF crowd.

Next time you log in I want you to open up that LFG menu and accept Reality because you’re going to have to look at that screen for the REST of your time on Classic.

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Sure, I don’t even play the game, I just want to call out the retard when I see one, lol.

Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.

Ah, there’s the goalpost moving…

Wait are we still talking about retail or classic now?

I’m actually vehemently against RMT, but thank you for your concern

Classic is unique in that we have solely relied on LFG chat for ALL interactions in grouping, you are wanting to kill that the same way Retail LFG chat is killed by bringing in RDF.

Most if not ALL Retail player partake in RMT, WoW Tokens count as RMT.

Please stop. I can only laugh this much

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And here we have a pro-RDF troll encouraging hate speech against those with a different opinion.

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Says the guy that makes a new thread about a topic that has already got 10’s if not 100’s of threads already created. If your position is so strong, why do you feel the need to keep starting new threads on the same topic? Sound to me like you are insecure about your position and are attempting to inflate it’s importance with as many garbage threads as you can start.

That’s one way to talk about how it’s full of boost selling and nonsensical trolling, I suppose

Most if not ALL GDKP players partake in RMT, handling gold that someone else bought counts as RMT

See I can make sweeping, unfounded statements too

In normal circumstances I wouldn’t permit use of such insults towards someone. But you’re a massive troll who no-lifes this thread, so it’s hilarious to me.