As a Community, we do not want RDF

And a MAJORITY voted NO.

Get used to LFG bud, it’s not going ANYWHERE.

Because I want EVERY pro-RDF player to unsub and leave OUR Community.

The more you people stay here, the WORSE our game becomes.

You want RDF today, LFR tomorrow and WoW Tokens the next day.


Classic gaslighting and trolling. I’d tell you to be better but I know it’s not possible so I’ll beseech you to be quiet instead.

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Sounds like projection, this is what EVERY pro-RDF troll does.

I don’t know how else you can interpret “additional combat effect.” Honestly, if you look at that statement & try to argue it’s not a modifier, but something totally different, you’re engaging in bad faith here. We are years past the point where someone could legitimately have faith in Blizzard.

Then again, what are you here for? If this is the case then you have nothing to defend. If a majority really do not want it, what are you so afraid of that you needed to create yet another post (which there are already planty of) just to defend something you claim is already decided and the majority want.

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For this reason alone:

As the MAJORITY we will continue to establish DOMINANCE and remove ALL pro-RDF trolls out of our Community.

STOP trying to turn Classic into Retail 2.0

Man, this thread really is still going huh? OP sure is desperate for validation…

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Seems like the pro-RDF crowd is even more desperate, I already won. When I log in, RDF is GONE.

Yeah, a real Social and Community driven person you are…

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I can’t assume something I have no information on.

If you TRULY cared about Classic you would NOT want RDF.

You wouldn’t be actively trying to drive people away regardless of their opinions

I’m sorry what were we talking about again?

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False, not every opinion is equal. Wanting RDF is you openly admitting to wanting to kill the spirit of Classic.

Thanks for confirming the real reason you are against the RDF tool. You are afraid of losing power over other people.

Glad to see someone finally admitted it.

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Good job proving my point

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RDF means that we will lose our RIGHTS as players to pick who we want to play with, YOU are the one FORCING us to play with you.

You had no valid point to begin with, pro-RDF is harmful rhetoric and should NOT be tolerated.

A point that you don’t like =/= not a valid point

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Of course it means it’s not a valid point, I even pointed out how certain opinions mean nothing yet you sit here and continue to ignore MY very valid response.

Then I will make sure you never get what you want.

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It’s not a bad thing if the people that are being “driven away” are ones that don’t care about Classic or the pillars of Classic. Quality over Quantity.

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