As a Community, we do not want RDF

None, I merely want to spread the Truth to a forum full of people Who are lied to by the pro-RDF trolls.

Too much misinformation on these forums.

Then you never clearly played Wrath back in ‘09, MILLIONS unsubbed when RDF came out as it was a change that NO ONE wanted even back then and it led to a lot of changes like LFR and WoW tokens.

I have posted a Blizzard Verified chart on this thread MANY times showcasing just that, do your research.

Ion ALSO stated a lot of that downfall came from Wrath as well when RDF initially got released.

Nice job cherry picking from that interview.

Yes Brian the Lead Dev tweeted it out.

I speak for the SILENT MAJORITY.

If you pro-RDF trolls had so much support then why is RDF not in the game??

Wake up and realize you LOST, we WON. There will be NO RDF not now, now tomorrow, not EVER.

Retail systems belong on Retail, NOT on Classic.

I did, clearly you can’t read. You should learn how to do that, it helps you commit to bait threads a little better.

Also GG on getting ratio’ed by the very first reply. 3369 posts later, you are still coping about that.

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Ever give a source on this? Talking out your rear isn’t a source.
Rhetorical, I already know you’re a huge troll and have no source.

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I don’t care about forum likes, when I log into the game I don’t see RDF. That is the biggest W in my book.

Look at how the rest you have been coping for the past 3000 posts about wanting RDF.

All I know is that most of you are Retail players who will eventually unsub while I enjoy the Classic that I helped build.

I have posted the graph MANY times on this thread alone, it is not my job to educate the uneducated. If you can’t even do basic research you weren’t worth the time anyways.

This is facts.

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Disregarding half of those 3k posts are you pulling numbers out of your behind and rambling like a madman, obviously more people want RDF to continue feeding into your poor trolling.

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I dont think classic is for people who use gen z terms like ratio. You were prolly pooping your pants when this content was relevant.

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Sure you have.

Is it a graph you personally made in MS Paint with your imaginary numbers?

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How is it MY fault that you’re coping SO hard that you stop listening to Facts and Logic??

Let me ask you this, when you log in do you see RDF?

Get this, for the REST of Wrath there will be NO RDF.

Get used to Reality and STOP trolling on the forums about wanting RDF, it will NOT happen.

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These people live in fantasy land; theirs no helping them. They simply cant accept reality.

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Your opinion =/= facts, and that’s all you’ve been spewing. Your poor opinion.

That’s some hard copium you’ve got.

Almost every graph you pro-RDF trolls have posted is some fan made Reddit graph, everything I have posted is Blizzard Verified that A LOT of people have seen.

Try again, troll.

As a Leader Figure in the anti-RDF MAJORITY, I have only EVER spoken the Truth.

Not harder copium than you trying to bring a RETAIL feature that the Devs AND the playerbase have told you is NOT needed in Classic.

Go back to Retail and stop ruining MY Community.

False. Try again, troll.

Delusions of grandeur lol

https: //wowwiki-archive. fandom. com/wiki/Dungeon_Finder

" Dungeon Finder is the “Looking for Dungeon” (LFD) system [Blizzard] introduced in [patch 3.3.0]"

" Patch 3.3.0 is a content patch that included [Icecrown Citadel] as a new raid"

Last I checked, this system was added in Wrath of the Lich King.

Again, I know you’re just trolling. It still must be painful being as stupid as you are, however.

Last I checked, this was “Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion” not “Rdf-daggerspine troll general discussion”

You’re the one hiding on a retail level 10.

I mean… WOTLK existed with RDF, and without RDF. Both sides of this argument are true… the devs decided to leave it out, so it’s not part of WOTLKC…

Saying we should have it because it was part of it is the same as saying we should not have it because it wasnt part of it… it’s about half-half in and out of OG WOTLK.


Did you not read:


Enjoy Mythic+ w/ Affixes being added to “Classic” lol.

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Whether it was added in WOTLK or not doesn’t separate it from the fact it is by design more of a modern, retail based system. A system that can easily be looked at and said “this is the first major retail orientated change”
Nothing about RDF is reminiscent of classic game design. Therefore it doesnt belong in Classic.

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I have been making this argument for ever. Thank you.


This is NOT Retail Wrath it is CLASSIC Wrath.

Classic will have NO RDF and Heroic+ amongst MANY other changes, if this is too difficult for you to get used to then leave and go back to Retail where you belong.

I represent the MAJORITY.

Hence why MY side won and YOUR side cries in the forum DAILY.

Better get used to LFG Chat bud, it is NOT going away anytime soon.

As long as it means the pro-RDF trolls lose I don’t care.

Yes, it does, it was still part of WOTLK. I’m guessing you’re okay with Heroic+ being added? That’s a modern, retail based system. Or how about even the “new” LFG? That’s literally a retail based system heavily used to run mythic+.

You people are truly entertaining.

Just because you say something doesn’t make it a fact. You represent absolutely nothing but you and your garbage trolling.

Well, I’m not to be honest. I agree, it HAS a modern retail feel and does not belong in Classic.

the LFG tool does not tho, it’s fairly manual and provide a good “classic feeling” of grouping.