As a Community, we do not want RDF

Devs are clueless. Time to abandon ship.

Pretty sure the only ones living in an alternate reality are the ones thinking RDF will ever come back.

Hope you get used to LFG chat because it’s not going anywhere :slight_smile:

Nah the Devs cater to the majority as opposed to the vocal minority, no RDF and Heroic+ will bring A LOT of new players to the game.

These changes are also pushing people away. Maybe it’ll balance out, maybe it won’t.

Either way, I’m sure nobody who wanted this cares about my opinion anyway.

I mean you say people will be pushed away but whose honestly leaving over these changes? I feel like most of the posts going against these changes are people who will remain subbed, Classic Wrath is still one of the best if not the best MMO iteration out right now.

I still remember a Shaman named Fatherwinter from back in 2005 when we had same server only BGs. That guy was a beast. Cross realm BGs hurt more than cross realm RDF ever did imo. I AM KRUMTOILET!!!

One more big change and I’ll be out. I can’t speak for everyone but I’m already on the edge.

The only reason I’m not out right now is because I’ve already invested time and money into this.

If I’d known how it was gonna be, I’d have never bothered with this at all.

I looked at getting a refund but I no longer qualify even though the expansion isn’t out yet.

And honestly, if I find that I’m not having a good time later on, I’ll just leave.

They told us no RDF since start of the year, although the other changes to heroics and whatnot are def. newer ones.

Sweet, maybe they should make everything they’ve changed more visible to returning players so they don’t feel cheated. We shouldn’t have to dig though articles to find it, it should be on the front page of the wrath launcher.

Once I realized there wasn’t gonna be an RDF, I immediately regretted coming back.

They’ve changed so much that I wouldn’t even call this wrath classic anymore.

More like wrath reforged.

At this point it’s just plain old false advertising.


I wouldn’t go that far, but I do agree with what you’re saying.

Wrong they fulfilled their end of the bargain by giving you Wrath, if RDF is the sole reason you played Wrath then you should go try Retail.

your voice, not mine. Please !

represent yourself, not me. i would love RDF

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This isn’t wrath anymore. It’s wrath+ or wrath reforged.

Calling this wrath classic is nothing but false advertising.

I represent the MAJORITY who don’t want RDF, if you still want RDF you are in the minority.

No this is CLASSIC Wrath, it’s very different from RETAIL Wrath. If you wanted the Retail experience you can go play on Retail.

It’s false advertising. They should be ashamed of milking players who wanted wrath.

source ? “just trust me bro” ??
most of the people i play with everyday in guild and outside love rdf. classic players.
PLEASE just speak for yourself, not minority or majority. you pay your subs not theirs.
you are not elected by the “majority” or minority for that matter


Cite your sources that you are a majority. You can’t because you don’t have any sources. RDF not being added to the game isn’t a source, btw.


There is no source. Best to ignore him.


If anything they should be awarded for turning over a profit, you knew full well what you were getting into when they announced no RDF and made changes within months to iLevels/etc.

Wrong, the Lead Dev himself tweeted out saying anti-RDF is the MAJORITY as well as another Dev doubling down on NO RDF.

No one wants RDF, it’s what led to millions of subs leaving back in original Wrath too.

You are on the LOSING side if you want RDF because it is NOT coming back.

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When RDF was introduced the only things about servers that became well know was which WowCrendor pug meme came from what server

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Waiting on the link to that Tweet, my dude. Because you are looking more and more like you love making BS up.