As a Community, we do not want RDF

Close enough and still not the classic experience. You speak like a retail tourist.

Anyone who supports RDF is a Retail player who wants to ruin OUR Classic Community by bringing in that feature, you probably also want LFR and WoW tokens next.

Keep it ALL out of OUR Community.

You gonna mainpost there friend? You wanna gatekeep opinions: have the credentials to do it.

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I never supported RDF, I simply picked apart your arguments. You’re not very strong at holding an argument. Lack of information, data and many times speaking for others whom aren’t present with out evidence.

I said this before, doesn’t effect me because I just run with my guild because I am not a casual.

You supporting new systems is the retailer mindset. I go as far as to say a casuals mindset.

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So you gonna mainpost? Since we’re keeping out retail tourists?

On what toon?

Every single thing i’ve ever spoken is the Truth and based in Reality, all i’ve ever said can be verified and fact checked.

Site the sources. I would have probably even taken your side on some topics. I enjoy getting a reaction out of you more when you don’t site sources other than “Just look”.

most of what you say is the same as what most of what everyone on the forums says: an opinion. i wouldnt go overboard on the preaching facts front.

Wheres your main?

I have posted my proof many times on this thread alone, my sources come directly from the mouth of the Devs via tweets and Videos as well both of which have also been posted here many times.

OP refused to site his main. I will when he does his as well. I am fine with getting harassed on server as long as I get to do the same to OP.

op didnt call you a retail tourist. Cite your main.

Your just another person with a ton of opinions on a game they dont play.

I have 1000s of posts under my main. Whats your main?

Also the word is Cite

Yes, not everything is going to be handed to you. Plus most of us don’t even have the trust level to post links. But Rdf HAS shown and quoted the devs and told you where to find it, and I saw the evidence to prove it.

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You are replying in regards to RDF not coming to Classic. Which, I never argued against. You failed to source where developers explained the stats regarding players response to RDF. Just stating “Majority” isn’t a stat that can be numerically scaled.

You also keep running around saying that it will be as successful as 2008 Wrath with no evidence to back that up. They would have to gain over 10 million MAU’s for it to be in the ballpark of the previous. Unless you find success to be scale by… something other than player count of server population.

You also speak for your servers health as a scale for all servers when you know this not to be the case. You use your server as an arguing point to counter when people make statements about their server. So which is it? All servers are thriving when it supports your argument but when it doesn’t, it can’t compare because of the scale of your server is much larger?

You flip flop like a politician.

I dont get harrassed on server. And ive been way more toxic than youve probably ever been here

This is an excuse. I dont think you play this game, and you feel youre entitled to speak like a player when youre not one.


The “real experience” for classic involved getting your internet shut off, having your progress deleted when servers get taken down, and paying real money for in-game items?

If you say so.

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I play on Grobb in Tropanation, that’s about all the information I will give.

This hasn’t been an issue for me in the years I’ve been on P-servers. There is definitely servers that are red flags to avoid though.

Post on your main bc i dont believe you at all lol.

Am i posting on my main? Yes. Dont make statements like “retail tourist” if you cant cash the check.

oh look someone who doesnt play the game threatening to “quit” a game the dont play again. color me unsurprised.