As a Community, we do not want RDF

Biggest copium I ever heard, even in the new interview they specifically said it’s NOT coming.

Missed the part where they said it was not coming “for the first couple of weeks”. It’s coming.

And you must’ve missed the rest of the video where he clarified it and said it’s not a good idea at all. Try again.

I’ll see you crying here in 3 weeks.

I’ve been watching you and the pro-RDF minority cry for over 3 months now, here’s to 3 more years of no RDF :beers:

You haven’t been watching me, because I don’t give af. I don’t pve. However I know it makes the game more accessible to more people and that’s more important than any weirdo 40 year old man’s ego.

Enjoy RDF. It’s coming.


Keep deluding yourself in fantasies while I live in Reality.

Mom, the weird 40 year old neighbor is saying creepy stuff again.


Whatever you say, as long as RDF never gets added back into the game i’m fine.

Wrong… Classic wotlk is how the game originally released and progressed. You are prob too young to know this but RDF was released in wotlk. So RDF = classic wotlk.


No, you’re wrong. RDF = ORGINIAL WRATH.

CLASSIC WRATH is something completely different. CLASSIC WRATH is not the same as ORIGINAL WRATH.

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I give up…

Congrats RDF and all his Anti-Random Dungeon Finder buddies/alts on their win.

You’re right. Blizzard has listened to your “silent majority” and not only confirmed they will not be putting RDF into Wrath Reforged but you’re being rewarded with another whole level of content to gatekeep: Heroic+

I’m done fighting, I’m done playing, I’m done subbing. Blizzard has shown the overall community who they prefer to listen to, and it’s the toxic side of the community. So this is how WoW Classic ends… With people leaving and voting with their wallets… Hopefully.



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That’s a shame, best of luck in your future endeavors.

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We will continue to establish our dominance and keep these Retail features out of our game, might I suggest Retail? It has your RDF features along with many more things you might enjoy, sorry you weren’t cut out for Classic.


Sounds like garbage. Guess it’s time to go back to Private servers for the real experience for classic. I hear they rape less than Blizzard employees anyway.

Reported for using the R word and promoting Private Servers, be better.

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Heroic + is pretty much Mythic + and is a copy paste of a retail feature. I miss when they wanted no changes. Not a pretend Wrath.

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Reported for being more concerned about the word than the staff that actually partook in it.

Except M+ has affixes, loot vault and many other things Heroic + won’t have. So how is it the same thing? As long as there’s no RDF, Heroic+ is fine and MANY are happy.