As a Community, we do not want RDF

Everything I say is the Truth and based in Reality, RDF is not here which is true, Devs said multiple times it isn’t coming back, which is also true. Not sure where I ever lied?

oh cool now the tank and healers we will have to pay for get extra gear while DPS are waiting 30-45 mins to find a group

Not sure how you jumped to that conclusion but as a DPS player myself I get instant queues almost on my Mega Server with the LFG Tool.

You’re speaking for the Developers without knowing what’s going on behind the scenes or in their heads. Like I said: You speak in absolutes without all of the facts.

What are you talking about? They’ve OPENLY made statements AGAINST RDF.

For now. They’ve not fully ruled out RDF and the whole “at the start” thing is showing progress.

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Which they later on in the interview that you didn’t listen to said that even at the start it isn’t a good idea. That is not progress, that is actually just fixing his original statement so pro-RDF trolls like you don’t just run with it.

I still find it amusing that they insist on defending the LFG system in classic, when the “MAJORITY” of people in it are using LFG as a global chat channel, instead of using it to legitimately find groups to do things. This is preventing people who are trying to use LFG for it’s intended purpose. Blizz either needs to do something about that, add events like Direbrew to the LFG interface, or give us Dungeon Finder.

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Plenty of people actually use the tool but yes the Chat should be the main form of social interaction, RDF is NOT needed.

No, cross realm ruined that.

Nope, that is a “you” issue. A trolling issue.

Good riddance.

Hopefully they do what is right and implement it.


Leaving aside the possibility of Rdf trolling or not, pro RDF people are on another level in these forums. Everyone sees them trashing on opinions that dont align with theirs. Just see how they accuse anybody of trolling, a normal person sees this and nopes out. I do not blame people for staying anonymous while dealing with these people.

Lol. Poster makes an anti RDF post under the name of RDF and you cannot comprehend that it’s trolling. I have some coloring books and crayons that you may like. Please don’t eat the crayons.

A normal person speaks their side. They don’t acquiesce to stupidity.

I do. It’s most likely a younger generation thing. They seem to lack a spine when it comes to such matters. They’d rather take a pseudo name and remain anonymous to avoid back splash when things don’t go their way. It’s pathetic.

Edit: Then again, you’re probably one of his alts trying to troll a bit more.




They will ALWAYS listen to the majority and a majority of people do NOT want RDF.

No no, most people do in fact WANT RDF in the game.

LFR is what ruined stuff; on this you and I agree.

But the 5-man RDF was and is a great addition.


You pro-RDF trolls are toxic, if this is the type of player that comes with RDF then good riddance to RDF and I hope it NEVER comes back so we can root players like you out of OUR community.

Clearly this is NOT the case considering the Devs agreed with US that it is against the pillars of Classic and should NOT be put into the game.

The people who want RDF are the minority.

You fail to consider the group of us that doesn’t really care either way that just enjoys watching everyone on both sides have a meltdown about casual scrub content.

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You literally do not have to use it. Shush.


This is false, LFG Chat is how we’ve ALWAYS found groups. Go look at Retail, RDF absolutely killed it and everyone turned into mindless zombies with no social interaction just buying gold and AFKing.

We do NOT need this in Classic.

If people chose to use RDF over the old way, then that proves its better.

If you’re so adamant its not, then no one will use it. That’s that. Time to move on. It’s coming.