As a Community, we do not want RDF

We gonna play Wrath of the Retail King


Less backlash because Classic isn’t played by nearly as many people as Retail is. Also there was no Classic back during the WoD days so the playerbase wasn’t split.

How does it NOT mean the same thing??

Not really lol but keep at it, just more pro-RDF spam that’ll get buried.

More like permanent, the Dev just doubled down on NO RDF.

How? Heroic+ is a fantastic addition to the game.

Loving it.
Boosting community just like retail.

Citation needed.

RDF as an idea is a great idea, but in practice it’s horrible for the game.

I mean if you do RDF on retail right now, you always join up with just the worst caliber of players or people that don’t speak English.

Which doesn’t matter because every RDF dungeon is so nerfed and watered down they don’t require any thought or skill progression for new players. I mean you literally get a damage/healing/hp buff for every person you don’t queue with.

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How will this promote boosting? If people have the gold they can pay for it via GDKP but they still have to participate, I would hardly call that boosting.

Lets take Football for example, how you need enough players on the field in your team. But that does not mean your team is the majority of the people who play the game.

This analogy literally makes no sense, those are two different teams. I’m saying in this situation my team has MORE players than yours, so yes this is “Enough” to be the Majority.

No. Not really. They’ve now changed their tune about why RDF won’t be in the game… AT THE START. It’s because “you could gear up too fast”. Might want to actually listen to some of these interviews that are being done instead of being a Troll on the internet.

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Another person that didn’t watch the video. He DID reiterate the social reasons for keeping it out, and ADDED THAT IT’S NOT EVEN AUTHENTIC TO HAVE AT START.

YOU should actually watch the interview.

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And we’re starting with a bunch of other features at the start that won’t be authentic.

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This has already been debunked:

Funny that you’re ignoring the “at the start” part of what was said. Not surprising since it doesn’t fit your narrative.

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Lemme guess you ignored this part too:

“At the start” is really giving you trouble, isn’t it?

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I’ve provided you two separate instances of how “At the start” doesn’t mean anything but I feel like you’re too in over your head to understand it.

You’re going to be REALLY angry when they put it in within 2 months of launch, aren’t you? Furious, even.

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That got me to laugh, thank you.

Seems like most of you pro-RDF crowd should become comedians rather than activists for a system that Devs multiple times said is NOT happening.

Your problem is you think and speak in absolutes without knowing, or having insight in to, what you are speaking about.