As a Community, we do not want RDF

Yes, we know.

And then followed up with an analysis that makes no sense, given the context:

They gave ZERO indication that it’s coming. They gave more reasons as to why it’s NOT coming. That’s quite the opposite. This is all stuff you would’ve known had you actually watched the interview instead of trying to analyze it from one sentence.

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Lol ok:

Blooms literally debunked that quote, again keep dreaming bud.

Awesome. Where are the results of those Polls, Rdf? I’d like to see the results instead of being told “this and this happened therefore this will happen”.

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They are INTERNAL POLLS, big mega billion dollar companies like Blizzard/Amazon/Meta don’t reveal these results. They simply ask their players who opt’d into it and they go off the results.

The Dev tweeted out saying a MAJORITY of people told him to remove it, I trust them.

Mind giving me the spot that I’m debunked at? You know the spot they actually drive the final nail in the coffin of RDF? I’ll wait…

Ah, yes, of course you would. Because they did what YOU wanted them to do you’ll trust them not to lie directly to your face. No surprise there. You remind me of a subsect of a certain political party right about now.

This comment alone should be clear to all of us that Rdf is nothing more than a troll who is incredibly desperate for attention. His sole desire is to get people to interact with him.


Read it and cope.

Wrong i’m simply going off of how Reality works, you seem to be operate from the perspective of a screaming child who didn’t get what they wanted. It’s easy to see why YOUR side lost and MY side won.

I stand by that statement, call me a troll or whatever you want. At the end of the day I am right and you’re wrong.

You haven’t provided one single evidence to back up any of the claims you have made, just like how you think “enough” means “majority”. So, if you don’t want people to call you a troll, then maybe I don’t know, stop trolling.

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And no final word that NO it won’t happen either. So still up in the air and still a reason to fight the good fight.

Reality is, as has long been shown, written by the “winners”. Enjoy your temporary victory.

You are demonstrably wrong about WOTLK Heroic dungeons.


Blizzard has always said they “never say never”. What Kris said today is as close as “never” as it’s going to get. It isn’t up in the air. They’ve chosen a side and have QUADRUPLED down on it. For months now.

Yeah we heard that about flying and even getting classic too. So?

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Enjoy your mythic and heroic+ anti-RDFers. Reap what you sow with your willingness to allow changes.

We heard what about “flying and even getting classic”?

I should pull and RDF and make you go look. But I’ll be nice. We heard flying wasn’t coming back in WOD but they bowed to pressure. And how many times did we hear “You think you do, but you don’t” when it came to even creating classic. Things can and do change…

When did we hear that? Do you have a citation for it? You also realize we’ve never really gotten flying back, right? We’ve had pathfinder and now dragon riding since they’ve removed it.

What I’m saying is, onl all accounts, you’re wrong.

“You think you do, but you don’t” is NOT the same as what Kris said today. Would you like to try again?

Here you go, bud. Right here.

I find is amusing when people don’t even read their own citations.

Hazzikostas admitted that Blizzard is still open to adding flight options to specific expansion zones

Hazzikostas implied that “no flight” is no longer an experiment. From now on, ground-only travel will be the starting point for future content, including new expansions


Moreover, this ignores the nuance that Blizzard never really put flight back into the game, they put PATHFINDER in the game. Also ignores the fact that there was WAY more backlash from no flight than there was from no RDF.