As a Community, we do not want RDF

Interesting, since the last 3 bosses were not available for testing. Good use of a strawman.

No argument, runs to logs. I guess that’s just the Retail way.

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Do you mean ad hominem? No, that’s not an ad HOMINEM.

Where have I resorted to a personal attack?


Nope I don’t mind cross server at all, more peeps I can tank for and get them their runs. Also the teleport is nice, puts me there and puts me back where I was when I’m done. Also I’ve said before I’m happy to run with anyone, say hello at the start and willing to explain things. I’m not picky and I don’t gate keep for a 5 man instance.

Imagine bringing up logs because you got outsmarted in an argument, major Retail brain syndrome right there.

Old content was cleared faster than the new stuff. It’s a clear case of Truth, not some cope mechanisms you’re using right now to deal with actual real data.

You know nothing. Especially when you’re stating I don’t like classic. Sad troll. I will weep for you.

I really just wanted to see what mechanics you thought were hard in classic. Fire on the ground is obviously much harder than anything in retail.


Please, use examples, Rdf (obviously not a troll account). I’ll wait.

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Low hanging fruit. Stick to your 14 year old game.

Only a very small group of elite players can do it, I looked up your characters parses and you are a gray parser in every raid.

I think Classic content is too hard for you, that’s why you want RDF so superior players like myself will be FORCED to queue with you otherwise you’d know I’d remove you from the party off the start.

SWP has 1.6M parses while the newest Retail raid has less than 100k, there’s one. Explain that.

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Muddkip is a troll, don’t let him bait you Rdf.

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And you’re Rdf’s alt account. Insta like.

Low quality troll

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That’s great that YOU don’t. But others do. And you’re not doing a very good job at convincing others that they should adopt your position.

The reason you can’t point out my personal attack is because I didn’t make one. IN reality, you just had no argument, so you decided to throw out that accusation.

Warning Rdf from a troll like you doesn’t mean I’m an alt. Do better, troll.

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This is for the 5 man dungeons that can be run by peeps in level 78 blues right? So difficult content or way too easy? I keep getting confused because I hear both from your community.

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Were you one of the proud wow heroes dot com kings that gate kept the sorry saps looking to just raid ICC? Or were you the more elite gearscore user gatekeeping?

No, the great gatekeeping heroes would be the ones using WCL logs as an argument. How apropos…

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agree, going on the record

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Not many will be able to do it that gear, it takes skill to be able to accomplish Wrath content at heroic difficulty unlike Retail where you can buy a boost and AFK to skip it.

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