As a Community, we do not want RDF

Don’t forget all the catchup gear you get in Retail. Meanwhile in Wrath you actually have to work for your gear.

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And what is the difficulty in Classic? Interrupting a boss? Facing a frontal away from the group? Dispelling people with debuffs?

That’s why they want RDF and handouts, they hate working for things.


I love when condescending pedantic people get wrecked on forums.

Just like you’re getting right now:

Wrath you get catch-up gear every patch since all the current raid currency gear moves to the next dungeon currency gear.

Classic content will always have a place in my mind for excellence. The story fit the content you were clearing. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t easier.

You’re just making stuff up. Ask any professional raider/streamer/whoever you cult follow that raids. They will tell you the new content is hands down harder. Because it just is. Even the normal raids.

But live in your bubble. Who cares. You suck at retail so you’re stuck in the past. Now I get it.

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Really, we’re gonna go that route? I’m a tank I list any instance now on lfg or in lfg chat I’ve got a group (well maybe not gnomer) . RDF just does the same thing, except I don’t have to whisper peeps, and herd them to the instance. Which would you take?

And you suck at Retail, that’s why you think the raids are “difficult” there too

Whoa, gottem. You should keep the full quote in :clown_face:

No issues clearing content. I gave up mythic raiding a few years ago, as it’s very demanding. I end with heroic content and mythic +. Retail is stale right now for me.

You need a lot more time preparing for mythic raiding, and time to clear, then years past.



What is Mythic raiding? Listen, I’m not interested in Dragonflight features this is classic.

Yes, we’re going the route that destroys your criticism, sorry to say.

Are you forgetting that RDF is cross server and teleports you?

So the only reason you want RDF is so you can not talk to people? In a traditional MMO?

That doesn’t change my answer. No, some of us can make friends without having secret agendas. If you can’t, you may want to reflect on why that is.

Aw yes, the solved meta, the 13-14 year old strategies are so hard.

Retail datamined raid mechanics so hard too. So unsolved.

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Imagine following you life based on a bunch of influencers, you have major Retail brain syndrome.

It’s clear now that you don’t even like Classic, not sure why you care so much about it when you’d be better off over there.

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I’m still trying to decide if rdf is just blatantly trolling or if he’s actually this delusional.

Well played. Ad hominin. Maye you can learn to debate without personal attacks. This is the forums, only clean warfare please :clown_face:

Looks like not standing in the fire on Illidan was too much for you. Unfortunate.


Funny how 13-14 year old content is more difficult than something they released 1-2 years ago.

As they say, old is gold and Classic is untouchable. It is the superior product in every way.

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Oof, you are correct there. That one is on me for not paying attention to the check boxes. Thank you I guess lol.