Why bother when they could simply put a poll at character selection screen allowing 1 vote per account. Would do the same thing with alot easier implementation to find the answer. Question is if they would even do it. In the end its not always what the customers wants … its what they chose to provide. I wish i could go to 1 store to get everything, sure there are some stores that cover common things but not even close to the amount of actual things.
I swear people argue more with each other then try to find possible solution with the easiest approach in its entirety. They want no RDF due to their reasons regardless of any others beyond that. You either can unsub because you dont like the product in some way OR you can possibly work out a compromise that might appeal to all sides. I venture to say using RDF for 1-80 normal dungeons is fine on all fronts and help a HUGE area of problems that exist and leave heroics out only for catchup before the last content patch of an expansion again where there is a HUGE area of issues that we saw resolved with timing and environment at that time of the expansion. I believe if people would work togethar at a compromise blizzard will listen … as of now its a bunch of children argueing with each other instead of working togethar for the better good where it needs to be.
They’re going to profit all they can from boosts and transfers. I think eventually they’ll add it. They won’t undercut themselves until that isn’t working. Then they’ll probably push it out with a content addition.
My guess is it’s all about money. Even if they’re rolling out the final patch before 4.0 pre-cata patch hit.
I’m not speaking for Rdf, but, personally I found it necessary to post on this character because of harassment by pro-RDF fanatics. I’ve even been threatened with physical violence by underperformers I’ve kicked out of my groups before. There seems to be no limit to the Wrath of the Lobby Kings.
I know what was said. Hearts and thoughts fade like farts do. You’ll get it, eventually. And I think somewhere deep down in tiny troll brain of yours, you know this to be true.
Lmao i’ve never heard more copium in my life, you can’t even accept reality and accept you lost so you want to create fantasy scenarios in your head about how they’ll go back on it.
Like I said, my goal is to re educate you and bring you back down to Reality because right now you’re too far gone.
Nobody that I know of has called you out to be a troll. Anyone can take the low level toons and start spamming conversations claiming opposites. RDF is quite obviously a troll. The name alone, and the posts he’s made on specific threads, etc. It’s whatever. People know what we’re getting in this so-called Wrath Classic. People want to voice some additions that existed then, that may or may not when ice crown hits. And then you have trolls like RDF just being annoying.
You can’t trust these pro-RDF criminals, they will most likely dox you if you expose your main character. They are ravenous and will go to any lengths to harm us just for having a different opinion than them.
This is my one and only account, I do not own any others. All you’re doing is spreading fake news which makes sense considering this is what pro-RDF trolls have done from the very start.
Wait I thought you were the silent majority? Maybe you should yell, “HELP, HELP I"M BEING OPPRESSED”. Also that’s kind of rich from someone who called me an enemy of the community yesterday…
I never called you that, I said people who support RDF are. If you identity as that, then it is what it is.
The only two characters on this account is this one and my main which you will never see as I can tell you are the type to try and harass me because I hold a different opinion.
Thanks for showing us all that pro-RDF trolls like their own posts, makes sense why you’re the minority now. Even the Devs can see through the charade.