As a Community, we do not want RDF

[citation needed]

All of those polls are NOT Blizzard verified, they ran internal metrics and came to their conclusion. You can take it or leave it, but I will always trust Blizzard on this one.

Retail wrath and classic wrath are not original game wrath. Classic ended when they bastardized wrath instead of re-releasing the original wrath.

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Care to make a bet on it? I think you’ve said before it will be as great as original wrath? Think we’ll hit 12 million subs by the end of classic wrath? I’d be happy to put a gold on it.

So you’re argument is “trust me bro”

If you’re opinion was a stock I’d short it for every penny.

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Classic didn’t end at all, i’m online right now. Matter in fact we will probably get MORE players now that RDF won’t be here.

I don’t know if I can trust that gold.

My argument is open up your eyes and log in and see NO RDF.

Your side LOST. Get used to it, you’re the minority on this one and you will never get it back.

No one wants RDF.

You’re posting on an alt to save face when RDF is added, aren’t you?

I’d trust my gold over ones from a GDKP any day of the week…I actually earn mine.

Good joke.

All the gold going through my GDKP is 100% hand earned, we make sure of it.

Yea, because it’s impossible to add mechanics to a video game… Holy cow the copium is real here folks.

The only copium is the people who can’t get a grasp of reality, when you log in do you see RDF or LFG? I see LFG :slight_smile:

I can’t wait for when it’s gets added from overwhelming pressure from the community and literally watch this thread literally blow up in your face. :slight_smile:

That’s cute, as someone worse part of the Silent Majority this will NEVER happen. Blizzard will lose millions of subs just like they did in original Wrath if they brought back in RDF.

We didn’t need it then, and we don’t need it now.

Reading others mail? Naughty!

lol there aren’t millions of subs in classic to loose

You’re entire argument is speculation. You must not have higher education to understand substantiated arguments lol.

You’re online on the forums. Afk in the game. I get it. You have no friends in game after chasing them all away with in game trolling you decided to troll everyone on the forums.
Keep it up and you’ll get another suspension like the one you got on sept 13.

We have a comprehensive Discord check.

There it is, resorting to petty insults because you ran out of arguments due to being outsmarted. Try harder next time, RDF is gone and it’s NOT coming back no matter how much you insult me.

If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck…

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Whatever you say, all I know is that if I was on the losing side like you I wouldn’t be a sore loser about it. It’s okay to admit defeat, I mean you don’t even have to admit it at this point we all know the pro-RDF movement is nothing that the Devs care about as they are the minority.